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CryptoDredge 0.23.0 — NVIDIA GPU Miner

27 Şub 2020

Windows Download

(CUDA 9.1 version)
(CUDA 9.2 version)
(CUDA 10.0 version)
(CUDA 10.1 version)

v0.23.0 released

  • New MTP-TCR algorithm
  • MTP: Improve scratchpad initialization
  • New CryptoNightUPX algorithm
  • New CryptoNightZLS algorithm
  • Improve CryptoNightGPU algorithm
  • Fix some potential crashes
  • Remove CryptoNightV8 and CryptoLightV7 (Aeon) algorithms
  • Other minor fixes

CryptoDredge is a simple in use and highly optimized cryptocurrency mining software. It takes full advantage of modern NVIDIA graphics cards through the use of unique optimization techniques. We have also devoted great attention to stable power consumption. These benefits, along with the very small developer fee, make our product one of the best publicly available miners.

Developer fee is 1% (2% for MTP)

Supported Algorithms
  • Allium
  • Argon2d (250/4096/DYN/NIM)
  • BCD
  • BitCore
  • CryptoLightV7 (Aeon)
  • CryptoNightFastV2 (Masari and Stellite)
  • CryptoNightGPU
  • CryptoNightHaven
  • CryptoNightHeavy
  • CryptoNightSaber (Bittube)
  • CryptoNightTurtle
  • CryptoNightV8
  • Cuckaroo29 (Grin)
  • CuckooCycle (Aeternity)
  • HMQ1725
  • Lyra2REv3
  • Lyra2vc0ban
  • Lyra2z
  • Lyra2zz (LAPO)
  • MTP (see the MTP Algorithm item)
  • NeoScrypt
  • Phi2
  • Pipe
  • Skunkhash
  • Tribus
  • X16R
  • X16RT
  • X16S
  • X17
  • X21S
  • X22i


The current version of CryptoDredge is a (portable) console application. Unpack the downloaded archive and edit one of the sample .bat/.sh files or provide the necessary command line arguments.
CryptoDredge -a <ALGO> -o stratum+tcp://<POOL> -u <WALLET_ADDRESS> -p <OPTIONS>

Command-Line Arguments
, --version Print version information
-a, --algo Specify algorithm to use
  • aeon
  • aeternity
  • allium
  • argon2d-dyn
  • argon2d-nim
  • argon2d250
  • argon2d4096
  • bcd
  • bitcore
  • cnfast2
  • cngpu
  • cnhaven
  • cnheavy
  • cnsaber
  • cnturtle
  • cnv8
  • cuckaroo29
  • hmq1725
  • lyra2v3
  • lyra2vc0ban
  • lyra2z
  • lyra2zz
  • mtp
  • neoscrypt
  • phi2
  • pipe
  • skunk
  • tribus
  • x16r
  • x16rt
  • x16s
  • x17
  • x21s
  • x22i
-d, --device List of comma-separated device IDs to use for mining. IDs are numbered 0,1...,N - 1
-h, --help Print help information
-i, --intensity Mining intensity (0 - 6). For example: -i N[,N] (default: 6)
-o, --url URL of mining pool
-p, --pass Password/Options for mining pool
-u, --user Username for mining pool
--log Log output to file
--no-color Force color off
--no-watchdog Force watchdog off
--no-crashreport Force crash reporting off
--cpu-priority Set process priority in the range 0 (low) to 5 (high) (default: 3)
--api-type Specify API type to use (default: ccminer-tcp)
  • ccminer-tcp (TCP)
  • ccminer-ws (WebSocket)
  • off
-b, --api-bind IP
ort for the miner API, 0 disabled (default:
-r, --retries N number of times to retry if a network call fails, -1 retry indefinitely (default: -1)
-R, --retry-pause N time to pause between retries, in seconds (default: 15)
--timeout N network timeout, in seconds (default: 300)
-c, --config JSON configuration file to use
--no-nvml Force NVML off
--hashrate Expected hashrate in kh/s (argon2d-nim only) (default: 100)

System Requirements
  • NVIDIA GPUs with Compute Capability 5.0 or above.
  • MTP require graphics card with at least 5Gb memory.
  • Latest GeForce driver
  • 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended). Some algorithms such as NeoScrypt require the virtual memory (swap file) with the same size as all of the GPU's memory.
  • Internet connection

  • Windows 7/8.1/10 (64-bit versions)
  • Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015

  • Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian 8+ (64-bit versions)
  • Package libc-ares2. Installing libc-ares2 package is as easy as running the following command on terminal: apt-get install libc-ares2


Antivirus Software Reports
CryptoDredge is not a piece of malicious software. You may try to add an exception in antivirus software you use.

Rejected Shares
There are many reasons for rejected shares. The primary reasons are:
  • high network latency
  • overloaded mining server
  • aggressive graphics card overclocking

If you are using a third-party watchdog, you can disable the built-in watchdog by using --no-watchdog option.

CryptoDredge -a <ALGO> -o stratum+tcp://<POOL> -u <WALLET_ADDRESS> --no-watchdog

Several Instances After a While
It seems that you are using an own restart mechanism of CryptoDredge (see the Watchdog item).

Crash Reporting
If the built-in watchdog is enabled then CryptoDredge will generate and send us the report. You can disable error reporting with --no-crashreport option. Allowing CryptoDredge to send us automatic reports helps us prioritize what to fix and improve in the future versions.

Crash reports won't include any personal information about you, but they might include:
  • Operating System version
  • Driver version
  • Miner configuration
  • Application crash data

MTP Algorithm

System Requirements:
  • GPUs with at least 5 GB of memory
  • There are no special CPU and RAM requirements, 4 GB must be sufficient

In comparison to other algorithms, MTP requires transferring large amounts of data to the pool. This may be a problem for limited and slow connections.

The miner has to do some extra work every time that the pool sends a new "job", so an average hashrate will be a bit slow.

Developer fee is 2% for MTP.

Argon2d (NIM) Algorithm

If you encounter many "invalid share: invalid pow" errors from the pool, set --hashrate option to calculate the start difficulty.

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