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How do water fountains work?

26 Mar 2024
Water fountains work by using mechanical or electrical systems to draw, pressurize, and dispense water in a controlled manner. Here's a breakdown of the main components and how they function: 1. Water Supply
  • Water fountains are connected to a plumbing system that provides a constant supply of water, typically from municipal water lines.
  • Some modern fountains also filter the incoming water to remove impurities.
2. Pump (for decorative fountains)
  • Decorative fountains that recycle water use a pump to circulate water. The pump pulls water from a reservoir and pushes it through pipes or jets, creating the desired spray or flow pattern.
3. Pressurization (for drinking fountains)
  • Drinking fountains use pressurized water directly from the municipal supply.
  • When you press a button or lever, a valve opens, allowing water to flow out of a nozzle in a smooth, controlled stream.
  • Some advanced systems may include sensors to activate the fountain automatically.
4. Control Valves
  • Valves regulate water flow. In drinking fountains, they ensure water flows only when needed.
  • In decorative fountains, valves might control the flow rate to achieve specific effects (e.g., cascading, spraying, or misting).
5. Nozzles and Jets
  • Nozzles and jets shape the water as it exits, controlling the spray pattern, height, or stream.
  • For drinking fountains, the nozzle is designed to arc the water upward to a height that’s easy to drink from.
6. Gravity and Recycling (decorative fountains)
  • Decorative fountains often have a basin that collects the water after it flows down.
  • The pump recirculates the water from the basin back to the jets, conserving water.
7. Filters (optional)
  • Some fountains have built-in filtration systems to ensure the water is clean and safe, particularly for drinking fountains.
In short, WOPET water fountains use a combination of water supply, pumps, valves, and nozzles to create either drinkable streams of water or decorative displays. Drinking fountains focus on hygiene and accessibility, while decorative fountains prioritize aesthetics and ambience.

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