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How to make your skin glow naturally at home?

26 Mar 2024
Thanks to its Vitamin C properties, lemon is one of the best ingredients for glowing skin. Vitamin C in lemon works as an antioxidant that penetrates the skin and boosts collagen from within. It also helps brighten skin tone or lighten any pigmented areas like darkened elbows. You can take in the benefits of lemon through lemonade which also helps in detoxifying the body and keeping it hydrated. However, due to its acidic nature, you might wonder how lemon can be used as a home facial for glowing skin without causing skin irritation.

When applying lemon directly to the face, always remember to dilute its juice using water, with a ratio of at least 2:3. Lemon juice can also pair well with honey, turmeric, or aloe vera facials at home. Do a patch test first by dipping a cotton ball into the mix and then applying it to your hand. Stop using it if you are facing any skin issues. Don’t apply a lemon-based homemade face pack for glowing skin more than twice a week as it can dry out your skin. how to make your skin glow naturally at home

This natural sweetener can also be a sweet little add-on to your DIY face masks for instantly glowing skin as well as to keep it well-moisturized. Get rid of infections and acne scars with honey’s antibacterial properties. A good honey-based remedy like a honey and milk face mask for glowing skin also has anti-aging properties and can reduce wrinkle formation to keep the skin looking supple and youthfully radiant. You can directly apply a light layer of raw honey to your skin, leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse it off. Get the best of two worlds with a honey and lemon face mask, made by mixing the juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon of honey.

Since ancient times, turmeric has been widely used to treat bruises, burns, inflammation, and insect bites, and has even been a key ingredient in ayurvedic face packs for glowing skin. Being packed with antioxidants, turmeric helps ward off early signs of aging by fighting free radicals and boosting collagen production for smooth, youthful-looking skin. Its popularity in remedies like homemade body butter for glowing skin is due to curcumin, an anti-inflammatory substance that fights acne, dry skin, psoriasis, and puffiness.

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