1. Obesity and Weight Gain
- Just like sleeping too little, one of the most common oversleeping symptoms is weight gain.
- Researchers state that people who have unhealthy sleep patterns are 21% more likely to gain weight compared to normal sleepers— as oversleeping alters your hormonal balance and the way your body stores fat.
- When researching the sleep and heart health link, it was observed that oversleepers are 32% more likely to develop a heart attack.
- Different sleep patterns, especially longer ones, can put your body under stress and increase inflammation, which adversely affects your heart’s functioning.
- Various sleep-heart health studies also show that oversleeping can spike blood pressure, a prominent marker of hypertension.
- Studies conducted by the Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders prove that irregular sleep patterns can cause metabolic health issues.
- Some common side effects of oversleeping are higher triglyceride levels, which lead to insulin resistance, low HDL or good cholesterol levels, and higher waist circumference.
- All of these can trigger metabolic syndrome, increasing your risk of Type 2 Diabetes.