WildRig Multi 0.24.1
This is further development of original WildRig with support for new algorithms, different stratum protocol and only for AMD gpu's.
Mining almost all these algorithms that WildRig Multi support isn't the same thing as mining Cryptonight family or Ethereum. These algo's more power consuming and core intensive, especially something like x16r. So please, make sure your PSU's are good enough, GPU's are rock stable and voltage for them set well. Low core voltage won't work here in most cases. If you get any instability - start from stock and find your optimal settings.
Download for Windows
dependencies: Visual C++ Redistributable 2015 x64
Download for Linux
dependencies: amdgpu-pro driver
HiveOS: check update for HiveOS, it should provide latest version.
- any report is welcome!
- aergo, anime
- bcd, bitcore, blake2b-btcc, blake2b-glt, blake2s, bmw512
- c11
- dedal
- exosis
- geek, glt-astralhash, glt-globalhash, glt-jeonghash, glt-padihash, glt-pawelhash
- hex, hmq1725, honeycomb
- kawpow
- lyra2tdc, lyra2v2, lyra2v3, lyra2vc0ban
- mtp, mtp-tcr
- nist5
- phi, polytimos, progpowz, progpow-ethercore, progpow-sero
- quark, quibit
- renesis
- sha256, sha256csm, sha256d, sha256q, sha256t, skein2, skunkhash, sonoa
- timetravel, tribus
- wildkeccak
- x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, x16r, x16rv2, x16s, x17, x17,r x18, x20r, x21i, x21s, x25x, xevan
Tested on my cards with auto parameters. OS: Windows 7; Used drivers: 19.2.3 Cards are modified this way(using OverdriveNTool 0.2.8 beta 1):
R9 290X: XFX R9 290X DD 4GB, stock clocks(1000Mhz/1250Mhz)
R9 380X: Sapphire R9 380X NITRO 4Gb, stock clocks(1040Mhz/1500Mhz)
RX550: ASUS RX550 2Gb, stock clocks(1183Mhz/1750Mhz), timings from 1500 strap(Hynix)
RX560: MSI RX560 Aero ITX 4Gb, stock clocks(1196Mhz/1750Mhz), 925mV core voltage, timings from 1500 strap(Hynix)
RX570: GIGABYTE RX570 GAMING 4Gb, stock clocks(1244Mhz/1750Mhz), 950mV core voltage, timings from 1500 strap(Elpida)
RX580: SAPPHIRE RX580 PULSE 4Gb, stock clocks(1340Mhz/1750Mhz), 1025mV core voltage, timings from 1500 strap(Elpida)
RX590: SAPPHIRE RX590 NITRO+ 8Gb, stock clocks(1560Mhz/2100Mhz), 1050mV core voltage, custom timings(Hynix)
Vega 64: ASUS Vega 64 8Gb, stock clocks(1630Mhz/945Mhz), 1000mV core voltage. While mining it drops clocks to 1530/945
For some algorithms lower core clocks specified because of exceeding power limit.
NOTE: Update in progress.
bitcore, x16r, x16rv2, x16rt, x16s, x21s: these algorithms benchmarked with hashorder "0123456789ABCDEF". With pool you will get higher and lower values, depends on hashorder
hex: this algorithm benchmarked with BLAKE as first algo. With pool you will get higher and lower values, depends on hashorder of current block.
timetravel: this algorithm benchmarked with hashorder "012345678". With pool you will get higher and lower values, depends on hashorder and length of it for current block.
wildkeccak is memory hard algorithm, so better your timings and higher memory clocks - higher your hashrate
another supported algorithms, but not benchmarked because of low interest or they just ASIC mineable:
- aergo, anime
- blake2b-btcc, blake2b-glt, blake2s, bmw512
- exosis
- glt-astralhash, glt-globalhash, glt-jeonghash, glt-padihash, glt-pawelhash
- lyra2v2
- nist5
- quark, quibit
- renesis
- sha256, sha256d, skein2
- x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, x18, x20r
Since version 0.15.2 parameters --opencl-threads and --opencl-launch set automatically when you put auto. If you want to try different values to find probably better performance, you can start from values shown below each GPU initialization line.
E.g. lines below means --opencl-threads 2 --opencl-launch 21x0. Where --opencl-launch consist of Intensity x Worksize.
Code: (log)
[2019-02-08 14:20:05] GPU #1 [BusID: #4] [Ellesmere] Radeon RX 570 Series
[2019-02-08 14:20:05] threads: 2, intensity: 21, worksize: 0/256, cu: 32, memory: 4096Mb
- some algo's can boost if use parameter --opencl-threads set to 2, or even 3(e.g. phi and skunkhash, but can be unstable)
- higher intensity not always more hashrate, try both more and less value than auto
- try different worksize, e.g. 64 or 128 instead of mostly used 0(same as 256).
- by default is 1%
- lyra2TDC, sha256csm, x17r and wildkeccak algorithms are 2%
- extend statistics per GPU(amount of found, rejected and stale shares)
- improve API, show zero statistics for inactive gpu's if use --opencl-devices parameter
- implement executing custom command when watchdog catch the gpu hang
Example of command-line start(with loop if miner crash):
Code: (bat)
@echo off
wildrig.exe --print-full --algo algo --opencl-threads auto --opencl-launch auto --url pool
ort --user wallet --pass password
if ERRORLEVEL 1000 goto custom
timeout /t 5
goto loop
echo Some error happened, put custom command here
timeout /t 5
goto loop
- fixed broken non-progpow algorithms
- progpow-kernel now set to 2 for Vega
- tune up slightly progpow kernel 2
-added parameter --progpow-kernel(1 or 2 can give better hashrate on different drivers or gpu configuration)
-speedup ProgPow/KawPow up to 10% on pre-Navi gpu's
- faster kernel compilation for ProgPow/KawPow
- fixed start on Linux in some cases
- fixed sending stale shares to pool for ProgPow/KawPow
- improved speed on all ProgPow variants and KawPow
- --donate-level now set to 1% by default
- implemented progpow-sero
- support --benchmark for progpow algorithms and added --benchmark-epoch
- fixed crash when failover pool added
- initial support of kawpow
- implemented progpowz(fairpool.xyz doesn't work!) and progpow-ethercore algorithms
- added sha256csm
- fixed low difficulty shares on 666pool
- implemented x17r-protocol2 to support other pools(e.g. official mainnet-pool01.ufo.link)
- fixed rejects on x17r when Hvl is first in hashorder
- fixed default --diff-factor for x17r
- one more fix to --split-job logic
- added x17r algorithm for ufo-project
- fixed mtp variants on RX gpu's
- up to 5% hashrate speedup for mtp/mtp-tcr on Navi gpu's
- fixed x22i incorrect shares
- unlocked 1% dev-fee for mtp-tcr
- increased a bit hashrate for mtp and mtp-tcr on RX and Vega cards
- added parameter --split-job(should be useful for mtp-tcr)
- implemented mtp and mtp-tcr algorithms(Radeon 5700/5700XT support it too)
- new parameter --opencl-less-cpu-load
- fixed x16rv2
- added Radeon 5700/5700XT support for limited list of algorithms
- added support for Vega 11(gfx902)
- implemented x16rv2
- added glt-globalhash algorithm
- implemented --gpu-temp-limit and --gpu-temp-resume parameters
- now additionally to hashrate miner will show GPU temperature, fan speed and uptime
- added parameter --print-power(which will show power consumption per GPU Chip)
- added parameter --benchmark-timeout*
- fixed blake2b family for Linux
- wildkeccak around %1 speed increase
- added --print-devices parameter
- improved blake2b(lower power consumption on pre-Vega gpu's and higher hashrate on Vega gpu's)
- donation for honeycomb now can be reduced to 1%
- slightly improved different algorithms for Vega cards(e.g. honeycomb up to 3%)
- up to 5%-6% faster blake2b-btcc and blake2b-glt
- added skein2(WoodCoin)
- added blake2b-btcc and blake2b-glt algorithms
- fixed gfx907(some Radeon VII gpu's) support
- added just for fun anime algo
- possible fix to crash on Linux
- improved honeycomb up to 3%
- up to 20% faster x25x
- fixed support x25x on Linux
- fixed handling rejects for some pools(e.g. coinfoundry)
- fixed x22i and x25x for Radeon VII
- fixed Tonga support
- re-tuned auto parameters for Baffin's, gfx804 and Hawaii gpu's
- added x25x
- re-tuned auto-parameters to maximize hashrate with new optimizations for x16-family and other complex algorithms(right now only for Tonga, Fiji, RX470/570/RX480/RX580 and Vega cards)
This is further development of original WildRig with support for new algorithms, different stratum protocol and only for AMD gpu's.
Mining almost all these algorithms that WildRig Multi support isn't the same thing as mining Cryptonight family or Ethereum. These algo's more power consuming and core intensive, especially something like x16r. So please, make sure your PSU's are good enough, GPU's are rock stable and voltage for them set well. Low core voltage won't work here in most cases. If you get any instability - start from stock and find your optimal settings.
Download for Windows
dependencies: Visual C++ Redistributable 2015 x64
Download for Linux
dependencies: amdgpu-pro driver
HiveOS: check update for HiveOS, it should provide latest version.
- any report is welcome!
- aergo, anime
- bcd, bitcore, blake2b-btcc, blake2b-glt, blake2s, bmw512
- c11
- dedal
- exosis
- geek, glt-astralhash, glt-globalhash, glt-jeonghash, glt-padihash, glt-pawelhash
- hex, hmq1725, honeycomb
- kawpow
- lyra2tdc, lyra2v2, lyra2v3, lyra2vc0ban
- mtp, mtp-tcr
- nist5
- phi, polytimos, progpowz, progpow-ethercore, progpow-sero
- quark, quibit
- renesis
- sha256, sha256csm, sha256d, sha256q, sha256t, skein2, skunkhash, sonoa
- timetravel, tribus
- wildkeccak
- x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, x16r, x16rv2, x16s, x17, x17,r x18, x20r, x21i, x21s, x25x, xevan
Tested on my cards with auto parameters. OS: Windows 7; Used drivers: 19.2.3 Cards are modified this way(using OverdriveNTool 0.2.8 beta 1):
R9 290X: XFX R9 290X DD 4GB, stock clocks(1000Mhz/1250Mhz)
R9 380X: Sapphire R9 380X NITRO 4Gb, stock clocks(1040Mhz/1500Mhz)
RX550: ASUS RX550 2Gb, stock clocks(1183Mhz/1750Mhz), timings from 1500 strap(Hynix)
RX560: MSI RX560 Aero ITX 4Gb, stock clocks(1196Mhz/1750Mhz), 925mV core voltage, timings from 1500 strap(Hynix)
RX570: GIGABYTE RX570 GAMING 4Gb, stock clocks(1244Mhz/1750Mhz), 950mV core voltage, timings from 1500 strap(Elpida)
RX580: SAPPHIRE RX580 PULSE 4Gb, stock clocks(1340Mhz/1750Mhz), 1025mV core voltage, timings from 1500 strap(Elpida)
RX590: SAPPHIRE RX590 NITRO+ 8Gb, stock clocks(1560Mhz/2100Mhz), 1050mV core voltage, custom timings(Hynix)
Vega 64: ASUS Vega 64 8Gb, stock clocks(1630Mhz/945Mhz), 1000mV core voltage. While mining it drops clocks to 1530/945
For some algorithms lower core clocks specified because of exceeding power limit.
NOTE: Update in progress.
bitcore, x16r, x16rv2, x16rt, x16s, x21s: these algorithms benchmarked with hashorder "0123456789ABCDEF". With pool you will get higher and lower values, depends on hashorder
hex: this algorithm benchmarked with BLAKE as first algo. With pool you will get higher and lower values, depends on hashorder of current block.
timetravel: this algorithm benchmarked with hashorder "012345678". With pool you will get higher and lower values, depends on hashorder and length of it for current block.
wildkeccak is memory hard algorithm, so better your timings and higher memory clocks - higher your hashrate
another supported algorithms, but not benchmarked because of low interest or they just ASIC mineable:
- aergo, anime
- blake2b-btcc, blake2b-glt, blake2s, bmw512
- exosis
- glt-astralhash, glt-globalhash, glt-jeonghash, glt-padihash, glt-pawelhash
- lyra2v2
- nist5
- quark, quibit
- renesis
- sha256, sha256d, skein2
- x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, x18, x20r
Since version 0.15.2 parameters --opencl-threads and --opencl-launch set automatically when you put auto. If you want to try different values to find probably better performance, you can start from values shown below each GPU initialization line.
E.g. lines below means --opencl-threads 2 --opencl-launch 21x0. Where --opencl-launch consist of Intensity x Worksize.
Code: (log)
[2019-02-08 14:20:05] GPU #1 [BusID: #4] [Ellesmere] Radeon RX 570 Series
[2019-02-08 14:20:05] threads: 2, intensity: 21, worksize: 0/256, cu: 32, memory: 4096Mb
- some algo's can boost if use parameter --opencl-threads set to 2, or even 3(e.g. phi and skunkhash, but can be unstable)
- higher intensity not always more hashrate, try both more and less value than auto
- try different worksize, e.g. 64 or 128 instead of mostly used 0(same as 256).
- by default is 1%
- lyra2TDC, sha256csm, x17r and wildkeccak algorithms are 2%
- extend statistics per GPU(amount of found, rejected and stale shares)
- improve API, show zero statistics for inactive gpu's if use --opencl-devices parameter
- implement executing custom command when watchdog catch the gpu hang
Example of command-line start(with loop if miner crash):
Code: (bat)
@echo off
wildrig.exe --print-full --algo algo --opencl-threads auto --opencl-launch auto --url pool

if ERRORLEVEL 1000 goto custom
timeout /t 5
goto loop
echo Some error happened, put custom command here
timeout /t 5
goto loop
- fixed broken non-progpow algorithms
- progpow-kernel now set to 2 for Vega
- tune up slightly progpow kernel 2
-added parameter --progpow-kernel(1 or 2 can give better hashrate on different drivers or gpu configuration)
-speedup ProgPow/KawPow up to 10% on pre-Navi gpu's
- faster kernel compilation for ProgPow/KawPow
- fixed start on Linux in some cases
- fixed sending stale shares to pool for ProgPow/KawPow
- improved speed on all ProgPow variants and KawPow
- --donate-level now set to 1% by default
- implemented progpow-sero
- support --benchmark for progpow algorithms and added --benchmark-epoch
- fixed crash when failover pool added
- initial support of kawpow
- implemented progpowz(fairpool.xyz doesn't work!) and progpow-ethercore algorithms
- added sha256csm
- fixed low difficulty shares on 666pool
- implemented x17r-protocol2 to support other pools(e.g. official mainnet-pool01.ufo.link)
- fixed rejects on x17r when Hvl is first in hashorder
- fixed default --diff-factor for x17r
- one more fix to --split-job logic
- added x17r algorithm for ufo-project
- fixed mtp variants on RX gpu's
- up to 5% hashrate speedup for mtp/mtp-tcr on Navi gpu's
- fixed x22i incorrect shares
- unlocked 1% dev-fee for mtp-tcr
- increased a bit hashrate for mtp and mtp-tcr on RX and Vega cards
- added parameter --split-job(should be useful for mtp-tcr)
- implemented mtp and mtp-tcr algorithms(Radeon 5700/5700XT support it too)
- new parameter --opencl-less-cpu-load
- fixed x16rv2
- added Radeon 5700/5700XT support for limited list of algorithms
- added support for Vega 11(gfx902)
- implemented x16rv2
- added glt-globalhash algorithm
- implemented --gpu-temp-limit and --gpu-temp-resume parameters
- now additionally to hashrate miner will show GPU temperature, fan speed and uptime
- added parameter --print-power(which will show power consumption per GPU Chip)
- added parameter --benchmark-timeout*
- fixed blake2b family for Linux
- wildkeccak around %1 speed increase
- added --print-devices parameter
- improved blake2b(lower power consumption on pre-Vega gpu's and higher hashrate on Vega gpu's)
- donation for honeycomb now can be reduced to 1%
- slightly improved different algorithms for Vega cards(e.g. honeycomb up to 3%)
- up to 5%-6% faster blake2b-btcc and blake2b-glt
- added skein2(WoodCoin)
- added blake2b-btcc and blake2b-glt algorithms
- fixed gfx907(some Radeon VII gpu's) support
- added just for fun anime algo
- possible fix to crash on Linux
- improved honeycomb up to 3%
- up to 20% faster x25x
- fixed support x25x on Linux
- fixed handling rejects for some pools(e.g. coinfoundry)
- fixed x22i and x25x for Radeon VII
- fixed Tonga support
- re-tuned auto parameters for Baffin's, gfx804 and Hawaii gpu's
- added x25x
- re-tuned auto-parameters to maximize hashrate with new optimizations for x16-family and other complex algorithms(right now only for Tonga, Fiji, RX470/570/RX480/RX580 and Vega cards)