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4 NFL Teams That Can Container for Caleb Williams

29 Ara 2023
It's a dangerous company, thinking a top quarterback prospect in June will meet the buzz in the fall, as well as confirm deserving of the No. 1 overall choice come April.But that's exactly the assumption for USC's Caleb Williams, that lots of think would certainly have been the top pick in this year's draft, had he been eligible.The protecting Heisman Prize champion is widely considered a can't miss out on possibility, along the exact same lines as Trevor Lawrence and also Andrew Luck in recent years. If he winds up meeting those high assumptions this period, he might be the sort of quarterback NFL groups want to container for in the upcoming season.0:00/ 0:00 Posted 1 Month Ago Deandre Hopkins Landing Places Bucs QB Competition Hopkins Newteam Top 10 QBs NFL Owners Approve Adjustment To Fair Catch Guideline On Kickoffs Tom Brady Purchases Minority Stake in Raiders JJ Watt Interview Travis Kelce Interview Alabama Lands Ex Notre Dame Qb Tyler Buchner From Transfer Portal Joey Doorperson Jr. Joins SI Ahead of NFL Draft Which teams require him the most?New England Patriots Robert Deutsch-USA TODAY Sports Obviously, Bill Belichick will certainly have zero interest in actually tanking a season, no matter who the Pats might land with the No. 1 choice. However they could be better off in the future, particularly with a difference-maker at the game's most important position. Mac Jones doesn't move the needle, as well as could not also be the very best quarterback on the lineup now (Bailey Zappe). Williams would quickly invigorate a stagnant violation that lacks any kind of danger through the air.Washington Commanders Patriots Salute to Service Hoodie

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