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[ANN] dstm's ZCash / Equihash Nvidia Miner v0.6.2 (Linux / Windows)

27 Şub 2020

dstm’s ZCash Cuda miner

I’ve written it initially for my own purpose. It performs pretty well - so here it is.
Compatible with devices having Compute Capability 5.0 and greater i.e. it should run fine on Maxwell/Pascal GPUs.
Supports every server using the stratum protocol. If you have issues with certain pools pls. report them here.

Contains 2% devfee.

Suggestions are welcome.


1080Ti 725-740 Sol/s
1070 440-450 Sol/s
stock settings


Sample output mining on a rig with 8 GPUs.
GPU0-7: 1070Ti


GPU0 65C 75% | 507.9 Sol/s 504.9 Avg 269.8 I/s | 4.52 S/W 112 W | 3.74 100 39 ++++++++
GPU1 64C 70% | 508.4 Sol/s 509.1 Avg 273.0 I/s | 4.57 S/W 111 W | 4.11 100 38 +++++++++
GPU2 62C 70% | 512.9 Sol/s 514.0 Avg 274.0 I/s | 4.60 S/W 110 W | 2.62 100 37 +++++
GPU3 61C 70% | 502.4 Sol/s 500.8 Avg 266.9 I/s | 4.48 S/W 113 W | 2.24 100 38 ++++++++*
GPU4 64C 70% | 508.6 Sol/s 508.2 Avg 272.9 I/s | 4.53 S/W 111 W | 1.49 100 38 ++++++++
GPU5 57C 70% | 506.7 Sol/s 504.7 Avg 270.0 I/s | 4.53 S/W 110 W | 1.94 100 38 ++++++++
GPU6 59C 70% | 514.5 Sol/s 506.3 Avg 270.4 I/s | 4.55 S/W 112 W | 2.36 100 38 ++++++
GPU7 64C 75% | 511.1 Sol/s 515.1 Avg 275.2 I/s | 4.62 S/W 109 W | 1.12 100 37 ++++++++
4072.6 Sol/s 4063.3 Avg 2172.1 I/s | 4.55 S/W 891 W | 19.63 100 37 ++++++++++

Sol/s: solutions per second
Avg: average solutions per second
I/s: iterations per second done by the GPU
S/W: efficiency - average Sol/s per Watt
W: power consuption in Watt
last 3 colums:

: indicates that a new job was received

: indicates one submitted share
: indicates one submitted dev fee share
= : sum/average if mining on multiple GPUs


openssl 1.0 (for versions <= 0.5.7)

Visual C++ Redistributable for visual studio 2015 (VCRUNTIME140.dll)

Version 0.6.2

fix ssl handshake failures
fix device selection bug introduced in 0.6.1
make linux performance improvements introduced in 0.6.1 optional
via ‘mq-solver’ parameter (due to issues on some systems)
improve device initialization on large systems

Linux x64:
Download Version 0.6.2 for Linux

Win x64:
Download Version 0.6.2 for Win

Version 0.6.1

fix failover-pool not switching back on ssl errors
fix failover-pool not switching back on some servers
add support for stratum’s client.reconnect rpc
support configuration of ‘temp-target’, ‘intensity’, ‘pool’ via cmd-line parameters
report current difficulty and target on term-ui
sort output by gpu_id on term-ui
colorize temperature above 70°C on term-ui
report intended fan speed on term-ui, web-ui, json-rpc
report power consumption on term-ui
improve performance on linux systems by ~2%

Version 0.6

failover pool support
introduce configuration file
introduce intensity option
support per gpu temp-target via cfg-file
support per gpu intensity via cfg-file
json-rpc report gpu_name, pci_bus_id, pci_device_id
improve error reporting
improve handling of invalid server resposes
improve reconnection in cases where servers
become reachable but respond with malformed data
ui: add colorized output
web-ui: use dark colors

Version 0.5.8
con: add support for protocol v.01000020
link openssl statically

Version 0.5.7
reduce cpu load
minor performance improvements
con: use single pool connection
con: ssl: clear session data before reconnect
nvml: handle invalid values

Version 0.5.6
reduce cpu load
minor performance improvements

Version 0.5.5
con: handle failure of dev share pool
con: disable reconnect limit
logfile: disable buffering

Version 0.5.4
fix: device selection
fix: latency reporting
add logfile support
add option to disable auto reconnect
handle disconnect periods in web/json stats
add basic GPU responsiveness infrastructure
ui: change timestamps to ISO 8601 format
webui: report: uptime contime server user port
json: report: uptime contime server user port version

Version 0.5.3
cpu: reduce cpu load
con: fix recon loop
con: network latency measurement
ui: add accepted/rejected shares ratio
ui: add network latency
ui: add information about selected devices

Version 0.5.2
fix a race that might have corrupted shares
net: tcp: disable the Nagle algorithm
which reduces network latency in some circumstances
net: lower keepalive for nat-networks

Version 0.5.1
con: fix reconnection might have give up too early
con: enable TCP Keepalive to prevent nat-routers from
dropping the connection.
ui: output rejected shares
ui: optional output of timestamps
telemetry: make web ui mobile friendly + add share stats
telemetry: json: add more GPU stats

Version 0.5
con: support set_extranonce rpc
con: improve handling of temporary slow network conditions
con: add monitoring support using web browser
con: add monitoring support using json-rpc
mp: rebalance queue sizes - this improves the solution rate as
seen by the pools, especially on pools that submit new jobs often

Version 0.4.5
fix: bad miner performance when using --temp-target
on systems with many GPUs
reduce temperature controller cpu usage

Version 0.4.4
fix: Sol/W might have produced wrong values
fix: Sum not shown if --dev was used
fix: memory leak on reconnection
improve stability

Version 0.4.3
stratum: support more pools
ui: flush stdout stream
con: improve reconnections
performance improvements 0.3-0.5 %

Version 0.4.2
mp: more accurate time measurements
ui: calculate efficiency

Version 0.4.1
improve performance

Version 0.4.0
temperature controller added
cpu: reduce CPU usage
con: improve pool support
minor performance improvement

Version 0.3.2
mp: improve stability
con: support more pools
con: more robust reconnection support for unreliable
servers which often drop the connection
ui: report GPU temperature

Version 0.3.1
cpu: reduce CPU usage

Version 0.3
con: support encrypted connections

Version 0.2.2
con: Miner reconnects automatically on connection loss now,
e.g. on DSL-disconnects / public IP-changes
UI: report submitted devfee-shares

Version 0.2.1
Performance improvements:

about 4% on Maxwell
about 1% on Pascal

Version 0.2

Improved pascal perfromance.
Added support for concurrent mining on multiple GPUs.
Be asynchronous where possible.
Security work

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