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ArtMiner Nvidia GPU Miner for Grin, AE, BTM, ETH, SWAP

24 Haz 2019

Nvidia GPU Miner for Bytom(BTM), Ethereum(ETH), Grin, AE, SWAP.


Download From bitbucket Release: https://bitbucket.org/artminer/artminer/downloads/ArtMiner.zip

Performance (stock frequency)

| Algorithm | Coin | P106-100 | P104-8G | 1070ti | 1080ti | 2080 |
| :--------------- | :-----: | :-------: | :--------: | :------: | :------: | :------: |
| tensority | BTM | 1,900 | 3000 | 3,400 | 5,000 | 11,500 |
| ethash | ETH | 21.2M | 34.5M | 26.9M | 46M | 35M |
| tensority_ethash | BTM+ETH | 950+15.5M | 1600+26.5M | 1350+22M | 2450+40M | 7000+28M |
| cuckaroo | GRIN29 | 3.4 | 5.5 | 5.15 | 7.9 | 7.75 |
| cuckatoo | GRIN31 | - | 0.89 | 0.94 | 1.56 | 1.65 |
| cuckoo_ae | AE | 3.35 | 5.45 | 5.1 | 7.7 | 8.6 |
| cuckaroo_swap | SWAP | 3.4 | 5.5 | 5.15 | 7.9 | 7.75 |

Dev Fee

tensority_ethash 3%, tensority(Pascal) 2%, tensority(Turing) 3%, ethash 0.65%, cuckaroo & cuckatoo & cuckaroo_swap 2%

Sample Usages

  • f2pool: nbminer -a tensority -o stratum+tcp://btm.f2pool.com:9221 -u bm1xxxxxxxxxx.worker
  • antpool: nbminer -a tensority -o stratum+tcp://stratum-btm.antpool.com:6666 -u username.worker
  • matpool.io: nbminer -a tensority -o stratum+tcp://btm.matpool.io:8118 -u bm1xxxxxxxxxxx.worker

  • ethermine: nbminer -a ethash -o ethproxy+tcp://asia1.ethermine.org -u 0x12343bdgf.worker
  • sparkpool: nbminer -a ethash -o ethproxy+tcp://cn.sparkpool.com:3333 -u 0x12343bdgf.worker
  • f2pool: nbminer -a ethash -o ethproxy+tcp://eth.f2pool.com:8008 -u 0x12343bdgf.worker
  • nanopool: nbminer -a ethash -o ethproxy+tcp://eth-asia1.nanopool.org:9999 -u 0x12343bdgf.worker
  • nicehash: nbminer -a ethash -o ethnh+tcp://daggerhashimoto.eu.nicehash.com:3353 -u btc_address.worker

  • f2pool: nbminer -a tensority_ethash -o stratum+tcp://btm.f2pool.com:9221 -u btm_address.btm_worker -do ethproxy+tcp://eth.f2pool.com:8008 -du eth_address.eth_worker

  • sparkpool: nbminer -a cuckaroo -o stratum+tcp://grin.sparkpool.com:6666 -u 123@qq.com/worker
  • f2pool: nbminer -a cuckaroo -o stratum+tcp://grin29.f2pool.com:13654 -u username.worker:passwd
  • nicehash: nbminer -a cuckaroo -o stratum+tcp://grincuckaroo29.eu.nicehash.com:3371 -u btc_address.worker

  • sparkpool: nbminer -a cuckatoo -o stratum+tcp://grin.sparkpool.com:66667-u 123@qq.com/worker
  • f2pool: nbminer -a cuckatoo -o stratum+tcp://grin31.f2pool.com:13654 -u username.worker:passwd
  • nicehash: nbminer -a cuckatoo -o stratum+tcp://grincuckaroo31.eu.nicehash.com:3372 -u btc_address.worker

  • f2pool: nbminer -a cuckoo_ae -o stratum+tcp://ae.f2pool.com:7898 -u ak_xxxxxxx.worker:passwd
  • beepool: nbminer -a cuckoo_ae -o stratum+tcp://ae-pool.beepool.org:9505 -u ak_xxxx.worker:passwd
  • uupool: nbminer -a cuckoo_ae -o stratum+tcp://ae.uupool.cn:6210 -u ak_xxxxxx.worker:passwd
  • nicehash: nbminer -a cuckoo_ae -o stratum+tcp://cuckoocycle.eu.nicehash.com:3376 -u btc_address.test

  • luckypool: nbminer -a cuckaroo_swap -o stratum+tcp://swap2.luckypool.io:4466 -u wallet_address:worker
  • herominers: nbminer -a cuckaroo_swap -o stratum+tcp://swap.herominers.com:10441 -u wallet_address.worker
  • herominers solo: nbminer -a cuckaroo_swap -o stratum+tcp://swap.herominers.com:10441 -u solo:wallet_address.worker:arbitrary

CMD options
  • -h, --help Displays this help.
  • -v, --version Displays version information.
  • -c, --config <config file path> Use json format config file rather than cmd line options.
  • -a, --algo <algo> Select mining algorithm
  • BTM: tensority
  • ETH: ethash
  • BTM+ETH: tensority_ethash
  • Grin29: cuckaroo
  • Grin31: cuckatoo
  • SWAP: cuckaroo_swap
  • --api <host:port> The endpoint for serving REST API.
  • -o, --url <url> Mining pool url.
  • BTM: stratum+tcp://btm.f2pool.com:9221
  • BTM with SSL: stratum+ssl://btm.f2pool.com:9443
  • ETH: ethproxy+tcp://eth.f2pool.com:8008
  • ETH with NiceHash: ethnh+tcp://daggerhashimoto.eu.nicehash.com:3353
  • -u, --user <user> User used in Mining pool, wallet address or username.
  • -o1, --url1 <url> url for backup mining pool 1.
  • -u1, --user1 <user> username for backup mining pool 1.
  • -o2, --url2 <url> url for backup mining pool 2.
  • -u2, --user2 <user> username for backup mining pool 2.
  • -di, --secondary-intensity <intensity> The relative intensity for ETH when dual mining. recommend: 8 - 24, default to 16.
  • -do, --secondary-url <url> ETH mining pool when dual mining.
  • -du, --secondary-user <user> ETH username when dual mining.
  • -do1, --secondary-url1 <url> Backup 1 ETH mining pool when dual mining.
  • -du1, --secondary-user1 <user> Backup 1 ETH username when dual mining.
  • -do2, --secondary-url2 <url> Backup 2 ETH mining pool when dual mining.
  • -du2, --secondary-user2 <user> Backup 2 ETH username when dual mining.
  • -d, --devices <devices> Specify GPU list to use. Format: "-d 0,1,2,3" to use first 4 GPU.
  • -strict-ssl Check validity of certificate when use SSL connection.
  • --cuckoo-intensity <intensity> Set intensity of cuckoo, cuckaroo, cuckatoo, [1, 12]. Set to 0 means autumatically adapt. Default: 0.
  • --cuckatoo-power-optimize Set this option to reduce the range of power consumed by rig when minining with algo cuckatoo. This feature can reduce the chance of power supply shutdown caused by overpowered. Warning: Setting this option may cause drop on minining performance.
  • --temperature-limit <temp-limit> Set temperature limit of GPU, if exceeds, stop GPU for 10 seconds and continue.
  • -log Generate log file named `log_<timestamp>.txt`.
  • -long-format Use 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,zzz' for log time format.
  • --device-info Print device cuda information.
GPU Tuning

  • Suitable `secondary intensity` depends on the ratio of `core performance / memory bandwidth`
  • GPU with relative low memory bandwidth, eg. 1070ti, could tune down the `di`. Otherwise tune up.
  • The ratio changes with different `core`, `tdp`, `memory` settings when overclock GPU.


  • Bytom mining performance depend heavily on GPU core, instead of GPU memory.
  • Miner can gain beffer hashrate if tuning down GPU memory frequency.
  • For example, using MSI Afterburner to turn down GPU memory to -500.

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