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Brett Favre must return 828K in welfare funds to Mississippi or face civil lawsuit state auditor says


Kıdemli Üye
15 Mar 2024
Former NFL quarterback Brett Favre must return $828,000 that he received from welfare funds, . The funds were supposed to go to families in need. Favre received a total of $1. Jason Kidd Jersey 1 million in funds from two non-profit organizations, whose owners have been indicted on federal and state charges concerning their alleged role in the largest embezzlement scheme in Mi si sippi history.Favre Tyrell Terry Jersey isn't facing any criminal charges for his involvement, but if he doesn't repay the money within 30 days he will face a civil lawsuit, as will Favre Enterprises. White announced that Mi si sippi Department of Human Services former executive director John Davis isn't so lucky, as he is currently awaiting trial on embezzlement charges related to the scheme., Favre received a letter from the state auditor's office that said "illegal expenditures and unlawful dispositions were made Nate Hinton Jersey when you knew or had reason to know through the exercise of reasonable diligence that the expenditures were illegal and/or the dispositions were unlawful." The former quarterback accepted the funds for speaking engagements for Families First For Mi si Seth Curry Jersey sippi, which is one of the largest non-profit organizations involved in the scheme. However, Favre never spoke in front of the Steve Nash Jersey foundation.Favre has maintained that he was unaware the funds were given illegally when he accepted them. In May 2020, an auditor announced that Favre had returned some of the funds, which is why he owes $828,000 and not the original $1.1 million. Favre.
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