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How to Connect HP Envy 7640 to WiFi

9 Eki 2023
Connecting your HP Envy 7640 printer to a Wi-Fi network allows you to print wirelessly from multiple devices, such as computers, smartphones, and tablets. Follow these steps to connect your HP Envy 7640 to Wi-Fi:
1. Power on the Printer:
  • Make sure your HP Envy 7640 printer is powered on.
2. Access the Wireless Setup Wizard:
  • On the printer's control panel, navigate to the Wireless or Network menu. The exact location of this menu may vary depending on your printer model.
  • Select "Wireless Setup Wizard" or "Wireless Network Setup" from the menu options.
3. Select Your Wi-Fi Network:
  • The printer will search for available wireless networks in your vicinity. When prompted, select your Wi-Fi network from the list of available networks.
4. Enter the Wi-Fi Password:
  • If your Wi-Fi network is password-protected, you will be prompted to enter the password using the printer's keypad or touchscreen display. Use the on-screen keyboard to input the Wi-Fi password accurately.
5. Connect to the Wi-Fi Network:
  • After entering the Wi-Fi password, the printer will attempt to connect to the selected Wi-Fi network. This process may take a few moments.
6. Verify Connection:
  • Once connected, the printer will display a confirmation message indicating a successful connection to the Wi-Fi network.
  • You can also check the wireless connection status on the printer's control panel to ensure it is connected to the correct Wi-Fi network.
7. Test Print:
  • To verify that the printer is connected to the Wi-Fi network and functioning correctly, print a test page. You can do this using the printer's control panel or by sending a print job from a connected device.
Additional Tips:
  • Ensure that your Wi-Fi network is functioning properly and that other devices can connect to it without any issues.
  • Make sure your printer is within range of the Wi-Fi router for a stable connection.
  • If you encounter any difficulties during the setup process, refer to the printer's user manual or online documentation for further assistance.
  • Consider using the HP Smart app to simplify the setup process and manage your printer's settings remotely from your smartphone or tablet.
By following these steps, you can easily connect your HP Envy 7640 printer to a Wi-Fi network, allowing you to enjoy the convenience of wireless printing from any compatible device.

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