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[JCE] Fast & stable CN/v8/Heavy/Tube/XHV miner, CPU+GPU

27 Şub 2020
JCE Cryptonote CPU Miner

Welcome to the Fastest Cryptonote CPU Miner ever!

Try the GPU Version (includes the CPU miner), the fastest CN-Heavy/XHV/Tube miner!

You can download it from the Mega page here:

[JCE] Fast Miner 0.33q

End of development
Due to lack of dev time to provide legit implementations of the new forks (read: not just a rip of the reference code), I had to end the dev. The forks listed below are the last to be supported and notably Monero4 isn't and won't be supported. The miner itself can still be used, with good performance, on the supported forks, including BitTube, Stellite v8 and Turtle v2.

Like all miners, JCE gets detected as a virus by most Antiviruses, including Windows Defender. But it’s not. Read more about Privacy and Security below.

Is it just yet-another fork of a common miner? No!

You’re not losing your time testing a made-up rip of a common miner, JCE is brand new, using 100% new code.

Are the new Monero-V7, Cryptolight-V7, V8, Cryptonight-Heavy, IPBC/Bittube, Alloy, Arto/Fest/Hosp, MKT, B2N, Red, Fast/Masari, Haven, FreeHaven/Swap, UPX, Waltz, Turtle-V2, Dark and XTL forks supported? Yes!

The --variation parameter let you choose the fork. More details below.

Recent history

0.33q CPU and 0.33b18 GPU
* TurtleCoin defaults to v2
* Fix possible Masari v8 bad shares
* Waltz/Graft fork as --variation 22

0.33b17 GPU
* Masari v8 support
* watchdog can restart the miner instead of quit, parameter --restart

0.33p CPU
* Native Stellite v8 and Masari v8 support

0.33b16 GPU
* Stellite v8
* Rig-id
* Light optim for mixed cpu/gpu mining

0.33n CPU
New fork: Stellite v8
Rig-id parameter (optional)

0.33b15 GPU
Backport of 0.33m CPU
New fork: Turtle v2, as --variation 20
New coin: DeroGold
Remote Managment through the HTTP server
IGP autoconfig fix

0.33m CPU
New fork: Turtle v2, as --variation 20
New coin: DeroGold
Remote Managment through the HTTP server

0.33k CPU
Separate assembly for Bulldozer x64 on v8 algo

0.33b14 GPU
uPlexa fork, as --variation 19
Backported CPU optim from 0.33j
--legacy now keeps the CPU idle when mining only with GPU

0.33j CPU (upgrade to this one or later for CPU mining highly recommended)
uPlexa fork, as --variation 19
Better/restored speed on v8
Updated a few shitcoins forks.

0.33i CPU
Big optimization for v8, for all CPUs +2%
Sumokoin wallets default to Ryo

0.33b12 GPU

0.33b11 GPU
New coin FredCoin
Better pool-side efficiency

0.33h CPU
New coin FredCoin
Little optim for Zen CPU on v8

0.33b10 GPU+CPU
Fixed possible bad shares
Little optim for RX on v8
Little optim for Zen CPU on v8
Warning when a non-AMD gpu is enabled to mine

0.33b9 GPU (upgrade to this one or later highly recommended)
Fixed Nicehash netcode
Very little optim for RX on Heavy/forks
Warmup now all automatic

0.33b8 GPU
More stable hashrate
Speed increase in most cases

0.33b7 GPU
Cryptonight-FreeHaven backported from CPU version
Cryptonight-Dark too
Fees lowered back to 0.9% for all algos
Little optims

0.33g CPU
Cryptonight-FreeHaven algo with --variation 18
MoneroOcean "algo_perf" configuration possible
Updated doc

0.33f CPU
Cryptolight-Dark algo with --variation 17
Parameterless config (service style)

0.33b6 GPU
More stable hashrate
Temperature watchdog
Fixed OpenCL bug 0-2.10
Updated doc
Very light perf boost

0.33b5 GPU
Crazy huge performance boost for Heavy/HVX/Tube + 20%
Respective fees increased to 2.1%
Very light perf boost for CN-v8

0.33b4 GPU
Huge performance boost on CN-v8
Graft now defaults to CN-v8


In short, JCE is:

Crazy fast on non-AES 64-bits, usually 35-40% faster than other miners
Compared to other 32-bits miners, still faster on non-AES 32-bits, sometimes beating even the other miners 64-bits versions
And still faster on non-AES 32-bits Cryptonight-Heavy, with usually +50% speed.
Barely faster than the other best on AES 64-bits, beating them by ~1%, +2.8% on V7 fork, +4% on Cryptonight-Heavy
Also a lot faster on AES 32-bits, but it’s a rare case (mostly seen on Intel Atom tablets)
Here’s a benchmark against three other common miners.

XMRStak means: the released Unified binary from github (not recompiled myself)
XMRig means: the respective best released binary gcc (32-bits) and msvc (64-bits) from github (not recompiled myself)
Claymore means: best Claymore CPU (3.4 for 32-bits, 3.9 for 64-bits)
When not supported, score is zero, if not tested yet, score is ?
Fees are included in the score
Core2 Quad 2.666 GHz 12M, 4 threads, 64-bits, Cryptonight

JCE XMRStak XMRig Claymore
116 80 85 57
Core2 Quad 2.666 GHz 12M, 4 threads, 32-bits, Cryptonight

JCE XMRStak XMRig Claymore
93 0 68 50
Ryzen 1600, 8 threads, 64-bits, Cryptonight

JCE XMRStak XMRig Claymore
506 502 502 443
Ryzen 1600, 8 threads, 32-bits, Cryptonight

JCE XMRStak XMRig Claymore
434 0 327 275
Ryzen 1600, 8 threads, 64-bits, Cryptonight V7

JCE XMRStak XMRig Claymore
503 492 491 ?
Ryzen 1600, 8 threads, 32-bits, Cryptonight V7

JCE XMRStak XMRig Claymore
424 0 320 ?
Core2 Quad 2.666 GHz 12M, 4 threads, 64-bits, Cryptonight Heavy

JCE XMRStak XMRig Claymore
50 33 36 0
Ryzen 1600, 4 threads, 64-bits, Cryptonight Heavy

JCE XMRStak XMRig Claymore
252 169 250 0
Ryzen 1600, 4 threads, 32-bits, Cryptonight Heavy

JCE XMRStak XMRig Claymore
191 0 174 0

Getting started

If you’re new at mining Cryptonight, here’s the simplest way:

Choose the coin to mine, see the list below. The most common is Monero.
Get a wallet, that’s a ~95 character long identifier. If you don’t have one yet, you can create it
Choose a pool to mine on, and its port. For example Pool pool minexmr com and port 4444
Edit the start.bat that’s shipped in the .zip
Change the example POOL by yours
Change the example PORT by yours
Change the example WALLET by yours
You can leave the default password x
(Optional) If your coin is exotic, maybe you also need to change FORK=0 to another number. See the list in the start bat
Run start bat

Basic topics

Need .net 4.0 and >

Q. Is it free (as in beer, as in freedom)?
No and no. It has fees, and is not open source. But the program itself is free to distribute.

Q. How much cost the fees?
Current fees are:

2.0% when using at least one mining thread with non-AES architecture, or 32-bits
0.5% when using only 64-bits AES architecture
The fees are twice higher in non-AES mode and/or 32-bits because JCE offers a huge performance gain here.

Q. Will it work on my computer?
Minimum is Windows Vista 32-bits, or Linux, with a SSE2 capable CPU. 64-bits is faster, prefer it.
For best performance, Large Pages must be enabled, JCE will try to auto-configure them, but it may work or not depending on your Windows version and security configuration.

Q. What currency can I mine? On which pools?
You can mine any coin on any pool.
If your coin is listed, all is automatic.

Run the miner with --coins parameter to get the up-to-date list. Current list is:

Aeon (AEON)
Alloy (XAO)
ArtoCash (RTO)
B2BCoin (B2B)
Bitcoin2network (B2N)
Bitcoal (COAL)
BitcoiNote (BTCN)
Bitsum (BSM)
BlackRose (BLR)
Bloc (BLOC)
BitTube (TUBE)
BlueberriesCoin (BBC)
Bytecoin (BCN)
Caliber (CAL)
Catalyst (XAT)
Citadel (CTL)
Citicash (CCH)
Constella (XCC)
Crepcoin (CREP)
CryoNote (XCN)
Dero (DERO)
DeroGold (DEGO)
Dinastycoin (DCY)
DragonGlass (DRGL)
Electronic Dollar (EDL)
Electroneum (ETN)
Elya (ELYA)
Fonero (FNO)
FreeHaven (XFH)
FreelaBit (FBF)
FuryCoin (FURY)
Gadcoin (GAD)
Graft (GRFT)
Haven (XHV)
HospitalCoin (HOSP)
Iridium (IRD)
Italo (ITA)
KashKoin (KHK)
Karbowanec (KRB)
Lethean (LTHN)
Leviarcoin (XLC)
Lines (LNS)
Loki (LOK)
Lumeneo (LMO)
MarketCash (MKT)
Masari (MSR)
Monero (XMR/XMV)
Mox (MOX)
Niobio (NBR)
Ombre (OMB)
ParsiCoin (PARS)
Plenteum (PLE)
Pluracoin (PLURA)
PrivatePay (XPP)
PyrexCoin (PYX)
Qwertycoin (QWC)
Remix (RMX)
Saronite (XRN)
Solace (SOL)
Stellite (XTL)
Sumokoin (SUMO)
SuperiorCoin (SUP)
Swap (SWAP)
TaxfreeCoin (TXC)
Tritanium (TTNZ)
Triton (TRIT)
Truckcoin (TRKC)
Turtlecoin (TRTL)
UltraNote (XUN)
UPlexa (UPX)
Veronite (XVV)
VideoGamesCoin (VGC)
Wownero (WOW)
Xaria (XARI)
X-Cash (XCA)
zBucks (ZBK)
Zelerius (ZLS)

Cryptonight Forks

All current forks are supported:
N=0 Automatic
N=1 Original Cryptonight
N=2 Original Cryptolight
N=3 Cryptonight V7 fork of April-2018
N=4 Cryptolight V7 fork of April-2018
N=5 Cryptonight-Heavy
N=6 Cryptolight-IPBC (obsolete)
N=7 Cryptonight-XTL
N=8 Cryptonight-Alloy
N=9 Cryptonight-MKT/B2N
N=10 Cryptonight-ArtoCash/Fest/Hosp
N=11 Cryptonight-Fast (Masari)
N=12 Cryptonight-Haven
N=13 Cryptonight-Bittube v2
N=14 Cryptolight-Red
N=15 Cryptonight V8
N=16 Pool-selected autoswitch algo
N=17 Cryptolight-Dark
N=18 Cryptonight-FreeHaven/Swap/Ultrafast
N=19 Cryptolight-uPlexa
N=20 Cryptolight-Turtle v2
N=21 Cryptonight-Stellite v8
N=22 Cryptonight-Waltz/Graft

Otherwise, if your coin is not listed, or your wallet not recognized, use the --any parameter, plus the --variation N parameter, with N the fork number, see list below. The fork detection is automatic on known coins, but manual on unknown coins. The coin list is periodically updated.

Q. Is Nicehash supported?
Yes, see list above. The Nicehash-specific Nonce is then automatically enabled.

Q. Is SSL supported?
Yes, with parameter --ssl

Q. I get only bad shares, what happens?
Your coin has probably forked. Add --variation N parameter, with N as listed below, until you find the one that works.

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