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lolMiner 1.02:A lot of bug fixes (July 1st 2020)

27 Şub 2020
-- Announcement Thread --

Hi there,
this is the announcement thread for lolMiner 1.02 a multi algorithm Equihash / Beam & Grin miner with focus on AMD GPUs (OpenCL based).
Note it will run on most Nvidia GPUs, too but the speed and stability may vary.


lolMiner 1.02:
[Linux & Windows] Click me (1.02 - July 1st)

Driver Requirement:
Windows: Adrenaline 19.1 & newer (pre Navi) / 19.10.02 & newer (Navi), Linux: 18.10 & newer (RX 390, Fury, 470-580), 18.50 & newer (Vega, VII), 19.30 & newer (Navi)

Supported Algorithms
Algorithm Solvers for Memory Size

Beam Hash I 3G / 4G
Beam Hash II 3G / 4G
Beam Hash III 6G
Cuckatoo-31 4G / 8G / 16G
Cuckatoo-32 4G / 8G / 16G
Cuckaroo-30CTX 8G
CuckarooD-29 4G / 6G
CuckarooM-29 6G / 8G
ZelHash 3G / 4G
Equihash 144/5 2G
Equihash 192/7 3G / 4G
Equihash 210/9 2G

* and many others


Version 1.02
  • Disabled Beam Hash III auto switcher. --coin BEAM now pointing to --algo BEAM-III - this should resolve some config problems
  • Fixed a bug that made the miner not starting BEAM-III on RX 550 4G GPUs
  • Fixed a bug that made the miner not start mining Cortex
  • Fixed a bug with Beam Hash I 3G solver (miners did not find it)
  • Fixed a bug not writing a log file when --log on was given
  • Fixed a bug with parameter --digits (was missing in 1.0 and 1.01)
  • Re-Enabled parameter --port, but with a big red deprecation warning. Will resolve some 1.0 config problems

Version 1.01
  • Improved performance of Beam Hash III on all 6G+ cards (by about 4-5%)
  • Added 3G* / 4G solver for Beam Hash III
    (* will not work in Windows 10 and some older AMD cards)
  • Fixed an issue with mining Beam Hash III to NiceHash
  • --tls now allowed to be used multiple times to configure it for each pool separately
  • If found the miner will now load the user_config.json file per default again (fixes issues with minerstat)
  • Fixed temperature and power monitoring for VII and Navi on Windows 10 (Fan speed may still be broken ... work in progress)

Version 1.0
  • lolMiner got a restructure how to configure it and also features a 2nd, more simple config file format.
    Use lolMiner -h to get a list of new supported parameters or visit the new online manual
  • Added optimizes solvers for Beam Hash III for AMD & Nvidia cards. Use --coin BEAM to auto switch from BeamHash II to BeamHash III on fork (approx June 28th, requires 8G card) or select Beam Hash III solver manually with --algo BEAM-III (requires 6G card)
  • Added performance improved (+ >10%) GRIN-C29M solver for 8G GPUs
  • Added Cuckaroo-30 solver to mine Cortex Ai (--coin CTXC or --algo C30CTX) for all 8G and higher GPUs
  • Added support for non-integer difficulty on Grin
  • Reactivated support for Beam Hash I including support for personalization strings.
  • AMD Navi does now work on all supported algorithms
  • Removed Grin Auto-Switcher (C31 is obsolete now and the switcher would not work on next Grin fork)
  • Removed support for MNX (Minex Coin project is dead / abandoned by developers)
  • Added temperature, consumption and fan speed readings in API and long statistics
  • Internal bug fixes

Version 0.9.8
  • New GRIN-C29M solver, Less memory usage (fits 6G) & 8-12% better performance
  • Added BEAM support for AMD Navi Generation
  • Fixed a lot of driver issues of the last build with GRIN codes
  • Renamed GRIN-AD29 to MWC-C29D

Version 0.9.7
  • Windows: Increased GRIN-C32 performance on Navi cards by 15-18%
  • Linux: Increased GRIN-C32 performance on Vega, VII & Navi cards by 15-18%
  • Added a Grin Auto profit switcher (use: --coin GRIN-AUTO + further options). Please read carefully how to use it and which pools are supported.

Version 0.9.6
  • Significant improvement on GRIN-C29M performance (+6-7% on 580 and Vega cards, +10% on Navi)
  • Significant improvement on GRIN-C31 and GRIN-C32 solver (~ +6% on all AMD cards)
  • Added a 16G GRIN-C32 solver (Approx 20% faster on Radeon VII, Vega FE and 570 16G)

Version 0.9.5
  • Added support for Grin CuckarooM-29 (hard fork on Jan 16th) on 8G AMD GPUs, use --coin GRIN-C29M to mine with it.
Hint: The miner will pause until the fork height is reached not to waste energy. Use --coin FLOO-C29M to test the miner in floonet testnet before if you like.
  • Improved C31 performance on 8G cards by ~5% (Windows: relatively to 0.9.3, Linux: relatively to 0.9.4)
  • Navi on Windows now runs same kernels as in Linux
  • Slightly lowered energy use of C31 / C32 solver
  • Added aliases GRIN-C31 and GRIN-C32 for the Cuckatoo solvers (the old names still exist and continue to work)
  • Changed driver requirement for all GRIN codes: 18.50 for all pre-Navi cards, 19.30 for Navi (Linux); Adrenaline 18.12 for all pre-Navi, Adrenaline 19.10 for Navi

Version 0.9.4 (Linux Only)
  • New GRIN-AT31 performance code for Vega (+7%) and Navi (+12%). Requires amdgpu-pro 18.50 or newer or ROCm 2.10 driver
  • Experimental support for Cuckatoo-32 (use --coin GRIN-AT32) on 8G AMD cards (see further notes)
  • Windows release postponed due to incompatibilities with the new performance codes.

Expected performance (C31, 0.9.4)
Radeon VII (Stock, 19.30): 1.91 g/s
Radeon VII (1330 / 975 / 775mV, ROCm 2.10): 1.55 g/s
Vega 64 (1550 / 1100 / 1000mV, ROCm 2.10): 1.45 g/s
Vega 64 (1350 / 1025 / 875mV, ROCm 2.10): 1.25 g/s
Vega 64 (1350 / 1025 / 875mV, 19.30): 1.22 g/s
Vega 56 (1270 / 900 / 862mV, 19.30): 1.1 g/s
RX 5700 (Power Color Red Dragon, Stock, 19.30): 0.99 g/s

Expected performance (C32)

Radeon VII (Stock): 0.5 g/s
RX 64 (Stock): 0.39 g/s
RX 56 (Stock): 0.35 g/s

About Cuckatoo-32 (Grin)
The primary grin proof of work Cuckatoo 31+ is designed in a way that the original instance - cuckatoo-31 - will fade out beginning mid January 2020, which means its difficulty will increase slowly over a period of 31 weeks until it gets impossible to mine a C31 block on the chain. But as by design also more difficult instances of Cuckatoo, namely Cuckatoo-32 ... Cuckatoo-63 are implemented on the chain that also can make blocks. The difficulties of this higher instances will remain stable, such that at some point it will be more profitable to mine Cuckatoo-32 instead of Cuckatoo-31 (likely from mid of February).

lolMiner 0.8.4 provides the first public implementation on a C32 GPU miner for 8G cards. The code is not yet tuned to the max and thus flagged experimental. When you want to pool mine with it make sure the pool supports Cuckatoo-32. Some pools (e.g. grinmint.com) - especially the pools using the reference pool software - support it on their C31 ports without mentioning it, other pools currently reject C32 shares. Solo mining with C32 will work as usual. Note that a share of C32 has ~2.064 times the weight of a C31 share and will thus rewarded higher / has a higher chance to mine a block by that factor.

Currently there are already two solo mined C32 blocks on the Grin blockchain using an early version of the code published with lolMiner 0.8.4. The two blocks have height 430112 and 430255.

Have fun experimenting with C32.

Version 0.9.3
  • Extended GRIN-AT31 compatibility to older drivers (18.x +)
  • Improved GRIN-AT31 performance on ROCm (RX 470/480/570/580/Vega/VII)
  • Introduced early job cancellation for GRIN-AT31+ (improves hash on pool side, see further release notes)
  • Deeply reworked kernel scheduler
  • Fixed GRIN-AT31 kernel bugs (improving stability and fidelity)
  • Fixed Bug: Vega FE loading 8G instead of 16G GRIN-AT31 solver in Windows
  • Fixed Bug: Watchdog did not call right file in Windows
  • Added --disablewatchdog 1 parameter to disable the 0 sol/s / 0 g/s detection

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