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LOOK Cardinals Rondale Moore muffs punt after referee throws penalty flag into the ball


Kıdemli Üye
15 Mar 2024
Every week in the NFL, you're liable to see something you've never seen before. This Roger Craig Jersey week, that happened for me. If you haven't seen this play yet, it's likely about to happen for you as well.Here's what happened: The got the ball on the first po se sion of their game against the Joshua Garnett Jersey , and they quickly went three-and-out. then booted a punt 51 yards downfield. But while the ball was in the air, the Cardinals committed an illegal block above the waist penalty.So, the referee closest to the play threw a flag. But that flag... it hit Cooke's punt on the way down, just before Cardinals punt Mike Person Jersey returner was about to catch it. Obviously, that caused the ball to change directions at the last moment. So, Moore muffed the punt.Watch it go down right here: Rondale Moore muffed that 1st punt because the Ref nailed the football with the Penalty Flag on the way down. Matt Abbott (@MattAbb0tt) That, obviously, Jerry Rice Jersey is not something you say every day. If the Cardinals and Moore had their way, you wouldn't have seen it today, either. But you can't always get what you want.In any event, the Cardinals overcame a 13- Weston Richburg Jersey 7 deficit to come back and win the game 31-19, improving their record to 3-0 in the proce s. They'll take that result, even if it came with a very strange fumble.
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