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miniZ, fast & friendly Equihash 144,5 150,5,3 125,4 192,7 210,9 150,5 96,5 miner

27 Şub 2020

miniZ is a fast and friendly Equihash <144,5> <150,5,3> <125,4> <192,7> <210,9> <150,5> <96,5> Cuda miner.

* Supports mining all Equihash <144,5> (BTG, BTCZ, XSG, LTZ, BZE), <150,5> (GRIMM), <150,5,3> (Beam), <192,7> (ZER, SAFE, GENX, VDL, ZERC, ANON), <125,4> (ZEL), <210,9> (AION) and <96,5> (MNX) cryptocurrencies.
* miniZ is compiled for Linux and Windows.
* Requires minimum 2GB GPUs. Ex. GTX 1050 2GB.
* Cool console output and telemetry monitoring.
* Supports most mining pools.
* Developer fee is set to 2%.

For Turing architectures (16xx series and RTX) you need to use Cuda 10.0 versions. For other GPUs you should test and see which performs best.

miniZ v1.5t2
* Improvements for 150,5,3 algo (BEAM). Major for GTX 1660 Ti, 1080 Ti, and RTX GPUs (~2-4%).
* If mining to wallet you can write --par=beam2.

When adjusting your GPUs OC settings do not forget to check if your GPU supports oc1/oc2. If so it may boost your performance a little.
--oc1/oc2 may have changed for some GPUs and algos in the new version. For updated and more detailed information read the specific topic.

Download Here

Equihash 150,5,3 (BeamHash II):
* GTX 1050 Ti 4GB ~13 - 14 Sol/s
* GTX 1060 3GB ~21 - 24 Sol/s
* GTX 1660 Ti 6GB ~29 - 32 Sol/s
* GTX 1070 Ti 8GB ~41 - 47 Sol/s
* GTX 1080 8GB ~41 - 46 Sol/s
* GTX 1080 Ti 11GB ~57 - 62 Sol/s
* RTX 2070 8GB ~50 - 56 Sol/s
* RTX 2080 Ti 8GB ~91 - 100 Sol/s

Equihash 125,4 (ZelHash):
* GTX 1050 Ti 4GB ~12 - 13 Sol/s
* GTX 1060 3GB ~21 - 24 Sol/s
* GTX 1660 Ti 6GB ~28 - 30 Sol/s
* GTX 1070 Ti 8GB ~40 - 46 Sol/s
* GTX 1080 8GB ~41 - 45 Sol/s
* GTX 1080 Ti 11GB ~57 - 61 Sol/s
* RTX 2070 8GB ~47 - 54 Sol/s
* RTX 2080 Ti 8GB ~89 - 96 Sol/s

Equihash 210,9:
* GTX 1050 2GB ~77 - 85 Sol/s
* GTX 1050 Ti 4GB ~84 - 92 Sol/s
* GTX 1060 3GB ~139 - 171 Sol/s
* GTX 1660 Ti 6GB ~187 - 201 Sol/s
* GTX 1070 Ti 8GB ~227 - 264 Sol/s
* GTX 1080 8GB ~242 - 273 Sol/s
* GTX 1080 Ti 11GB ~352 - 375 Sol/s
* RTX 2070 8GB ~273 - 312 Sol/s
* RTX 2080 Ti 8GB ~478 - 517 Sol/s

Equihash 150,5:
* GTX 1050 Ti 4GB ~8 Sol/s
* GTX 1060 3GB ~14 - 15 Sol/s
* GTX 1660 Ti 6GB ~17 - 19 Sol/s
* GTX 1070 Ti 8GB ~27 - 31 Sol/s
* GTX 1080 8GB ~28 - 31 Sol/s
* GTX 1080 Ti 11GB ~38 - 41 Sol/s
* RTX 2070 8GB ~32 - 36 Sol/s
* RTX 2080 Ti 11GB ~60 - 65 Sol/s

Equihash 144,5 (ZHash):
* GTX 1050 2GB ~19 - 20 Sol/s
* GTX 1050 Ti 4GB ~20 - 22 Sol/s
* GTX 1060 3GB ~36 - 40 Sol/s
* GTX 1660 Ti 6GB ~ 46 - 50 Sol/s
* GTX 1070 Ti 8GB ~64 - 73 Sol/s
* GTX 1080 8GB ~67 - 73 Sol/s
* GTX 1080 Ti 11GB ~92 - 100 Sol/s
* RTX 2070 8GB ~73 - 83 Sol/s
* RTX 2080 Ti 11GB ~128 - 139 Sol/s

Equihash 192,7 (Equihash Heavy):
* GTX 1050 Ti 4GB ~11 - 12 Sol/s
* GTX 1060 3GB ~20 - 23 Sol/s
* GTX 1660 Ti 6GB ~25 - 27 Sol/s
* GTX 1070 Ti 8GB ~37 - 42 Sol/s
* GTX 1080 8GB ~37 - 40 Sol/s
* GTX 1080 Ti 11GB ~51 - 55 Sol/s
* RTX 2070 8GB ~43 - 48 Sol/s
* RTX 2080 Ti 11GB ~79 - 84 Sol/s

Equihash 96,5:
* GTX 1050 2GB ~7.1 KSol/s
* GTX 1050 Ti 4GB ~7.8 - 8.5 KSol/s
* GTX 1060 3GB ~12.4 - 13.6 KSol/s
* GTX 1660 Ti 6GB ~15.2 - 16.0 Sol/s
* GTX 1070 Ti 8GB ~21.4 - 23.5 KSol/s
* GTX 1080 8GB ~22.7 - 24.5 KSol/s
* GTX 1080 Ti 11GB ~28.3 - 30.6 KSol/s
* RTX 2070 8GB ~21.2 - 23.9 KSol/s
* RTX 2080 Ti 11GB ~38.3 - 40.6 KSol/s

Hive OS support

* * * Happy mining! * * *

Older versions:
miniZ v1.5t
* Major improvements: 150,5 and 210,9. Up to 4% depending on algo and GPU.
Also for RTX 2070 (up to 8% on 192,7), 1660 Ti.
* Minor improvements in all other algos. Up to 2% depending on algo and GPU.
* Better support for GTX 1660 Ti and GTX 1070.
* Improved stability.
* Fixed telemetry on Chrome browser.
* Fixed CPU load when mining Beam on Windows.
* Cleaner program exit/termination.
* Added --color and --fee-time to command line options.
* Other minor fixes.

miniZ v1.5s
* Speed improvement for ZelHash, BeamHash and ZHash. Up to 3% depending on algo and GPU.
* Kepler support removed in this version, except for MinexCoin and Aion.
* Flush console output on every line.

miniZ v1.5r
* Major performance improvement for 210,9, for all GPUs. Up to 7%, depending on GPU.
* Improved stability. (This was mostly affecting Beam mining)
* miniZ updates the hashrate when not mining. It drops to zero when mining stops.
* Better handling of “worker not autorized” error.
* Minor bug fixes.

miniZ v1.5q6
* Performance improvement for 192,7. (Up to 4% on RTX)
* Added --jobtimeout, --retries, --retrydelay for (re)connection customization.
* Added --cleanjobs for miner to only accept clean jobs.
* Better connection handling.
* Bug fixes.

* Fixed invalid shares on 150,5,3.
* General performance improvement for 150,5,3 (all GPUs).
* Added --pci-order option to show GPU PCI order in miniZ output (console, logfile).

* Fixed support ZEL mining on 3GB GPU, on Windows 10.
* (Hopefully!) Fixed slow start for some GPUs/rigs.
* Fixed failover pools.
* Fixed --pers=auto for 150,5,3.
* Improved performance for 192,7 (GTX 1660 GPUs).
* Other minor bug fixes.

* Adjusted oc modes for ZelHash - 125,4. Major improvements for 1080Ti (>7%).
* Adjusted oc modes for BeamHashII - 150,5,3 with improvements.
* Improvements for ZHash - 144,5, for RTX cards.
* Further attempts to support ZEL mining on 3GB GPU, on Windows 10.
* Fixed support for 144,5 for 1050 2GB, on Windows 10.
* Fixed slow start for some GPUs/rigs.
* Added --csv option for log stats in csv format.
* Added busID to -ci output.
* Fixed issue connection to sparkpool.
* Fixed invalid shares on flypool.
* Other minor bug fixes.

miniZ v1.5p
* Added support for 150,5,3 (BeamHashII).
* Fixed ZEL mining on 3GB GPU, on Windows 10. (Testing)
* Improved support for 210,9 (Aion).
* Added --stat-int option to customize statistics interval.
* Added --nonvml option to disable GPU health stats.
* Improved cpu load.
* Minor bug fixes.

miniZ v1.4o
* Added support for 125,4 (ZelCash).
* Added support for 210,9 (Aion). (Testing!)
* Fixed solution/iteration for 96,5 (Testing!)
* Minor bug fixes.

miniZ v1.3n5
* Improved stale shares.
* Fixed GTX 1060 settings without oc1/2. (144,5)
* Better mode detection 3GB cards. (150,5)
* Fixed templimit in configuration file.

* Fixed ssl connection fault.
* Improved CPU load.
* Display NA for temperature when not available.
* Improved 1080 hashrate with --oc

* Fixed "offline" worker issue.
* Fixed problems with sparkpool
* Modified --localtime, added the possibility to show both local time and running time. (Ex. --localtime 11)

* Improved high CPU load.
* Better invalid share detection.
* Ignore pers auto for 150,5.
* Fixing issues with worker going offline.

* Support for Equihash 150,5 (BEAM).
* Configuration file support.
* Console output on telemetry.
* Fixed busid in api.
* Fixed time in api.
* Removed ` when nocolor.
* Removed extra miniZ instance from GPU0.
* Improved command line parsing.
* --localtime to show local time instead of running time.
* --all-shares to show all shares on statistics (user and fee).
* --read-config to read configuration file.
* --write-config to create configuration file.
* --oc1, --oc2 and --intensity can now be set per GPU.
* Improved stability.
* Improved (re)connection reliability.

miniZ v1.2m
* Speed improvements for 144,5 and 192,7. Major boost for RTX GPUs.
* Fee shares excluded from statistics.
* --show-pers to show personalization string.
* --smart-pers to use personalization string ‘auto’ if available, otherwise use specified pers. For compatibility with Mining Rig Rentals.
* --show-solratio to show number of solutions per iteration.
* --oc1/--oc2 for boost in performance when applying OCs to GPUs.
* Help with new look. Run miniZ.exe --nocolor --help to exclude colors (Win7).
* Improved stability.
* Other bug fixes.

miniZ v1.2l
* Support for Equihash 192,7 (ZER, SAFE, GENX, VDL, ZERC).
* miniZ GUI Launcher v1.0. (Windows)
* Minor speed improvements for 144,5.
* Fixed --intensity option. Express in percentage [0,100].
* Other bug fixes.

miniZ v1.1k
* Support for Equihash 96,5 (MinexCoin).
* Speed improvement up to ~6%, depending on GPU and OC settings.
* Modified miner behavior when all user pools are down: miner stops mining and tries to reconnect every minute.
* Cleaner console exit status for better OS management.
* Bug fixes.

miniZ v1.0j
* Speed improvement up to ~4%, depending on GPU.
* Current/average power added to console and log/output file.
* Current/average total power added to console and log/output file.
* Added accepted share efficiency per GPU, expressed as a percentage (Accepted Shares/Total Shares * 100)
* Added --shares-detail option to show accepted/rejected shares per GPU, instead of accepted share efficiency.
* Added --log-delay option to define the time to wait (in seconds) before starting periodic writes to the log/output file.
* Added --log-period option to define the time interval (in seconds) between periodic writes to the log/output file.
* Added --f11 option for small tuning.
* Windows Cuda 10.0 version (excluded Cuda 9.2).
* Bug fixes.

miniZ v1.0i++
* GTX 1080 Ti performance is back!
* Fixed logfile output.
* Further attempts to correct uncommon but persistent crashes.

* Modifications to improve stability.
* Speed improvement in Windows version.
* Merged output and errors into the same logfile.
* --gpu-line is default if more than 3 GPU.

* Minor speed improvements. (Mostly on GTX 1060 ~3%)
* Improved efficiencies. (~2-3%)
* Improved stability.
* --latency (ping) is now calculated with shorter average period.
* --nocolor option for no color in console. Now logfile is always no color.
* Bug fixes.

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