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PhoenixMiner 5.0e: fastest Ethereum/Ethash miner with lowest devfee (Win/Linux)

27 Şub 2020
  • IMPORTANT! All owners of AMD cards with 4 GB RAM must upgrade to PhoenixMiner 5.0e or later version to continue mining after DAG epoch 350 (i.e. about the start of June 2020 for ETC, and the middle of July 2020 for ETH)

    Changes in version 5.0e
  • Additional fixes for the problem with crashing or slowing down when switching from ETC to ETH mining

    Changes in version 5.0 (since 4.9c):
      • Added support for mining with 4 GB AMD cards beyond the DAG epoch 350. Depending on the OS and driver versions, you will be able to use 4 GB AMD cards until epoch 372-373 under Windows, and 380 under Linux.
      • Added new -dagrestart command-line option to work around the problems with DAG allocation on 4 GB AMD cards under some driver versions. See Readme.txt for more information.
      • Added support for latest AMD drivers 20.5.1 under Windows and 20.10-1048554 under Linux
      • PhoenixMiner 5.0e fixes a problem with crashing or slowing down when switching from ETC to ETH mining
      • Many other small improvements and fixes
  • PhoenixMiner is fast (arguably the fastest) Ethash (ETH, ETC, Muiscoin, EXP, UBQ, etc.) miner that supports
    both AMD and Nvidia cards (including in mixed mining rigs). It runs under Windows x64 and Linux x64
    and has a developer fee of 0.65% (the lowest in the industry). This means that every 90
    minutes the miner will mine for us, its developers, for 35 seconds.

    PhoenixMiner also supports Ubqhash for mining UBQ, ProgPOW for mining BCI, and dual mining
    Ethash/Ubqhash with Blake2s.

    The speed is generally faster than Claymore's Ethereum miner in eth only mode
    (we have measured about 0.4-1.3% speed improvement but your results may be slightly lower or
    higher depending on the GPUs). To achieve highest possible speed on AMD cards it may be needed
    to manually adjust the GPU tune factor (a number from 8 to about 400, which can be changed
    interactively with the + and - keys while the miner is running).

    If you have used Claymore's Dual Ethereum miner, you can switch to PhoenixMiner with
    minimal hassle as we support most of Claymore's command-line options and confirguration

    Easy Plug&Play OS Linux with our miner: SimpleMining

    Please note that PhoenixMiner is extensively tested on many mining rigs but there still may be some bugs.
    Additionally, we are actively working on bringing many new features in the future releases.
    If you encounter any problems or have feature requests, please post them here (in this thread).
    We will do our best to answer in timely fashion.

You can download PhoenixMiner 5.0e from here: Download PhoenixMiner 5.0e

Changes in version 5.0e

Additional fixes for the problem with crashing or slowing down when switching from ETC to ETH mining

Changes in latest version 4.9c :

      • Added support for AMD RX5500 cards
      • Added support for the latest AMD Windows drivers 19.12.3
      • Adding support for AMD Linux drivers 19.50-967956
      • Adding option -rate 2 to use the command name "eth_submitHashRate" instead of "eth_submitHashrate" when solo mining
      • Fixed the problem with loading NVML with the latest Nvidia drivers
      • Fixed a problem that was introduced in 4.8c causing mismatching of the cards when using more than one value in -cclock or any other command-line argument with more than one value (i.e. when using different values for each card)
      • Added an HTML version of the documentation for better navigation and readability
      • Other small improvements and fixes.

Changes in version 4.8c:
    • Added support for the latest AMD drivers under Linux 19.30-934563 and for mining with RX5700 cards under Linux. Note that drivers are quite buggy and most of the overclocking options don't work, as well as most of the hardware monitoring options.
    • Added a new flexible way for setting GPU-specific options with selectors. Example: -cclock 1-3:1090,4:1300 -mclock nvidia:+450,amd:2000,*:1900,gtx*1070*ti:+200 See Readme.txt for more information.
    • Added command-line option -gbase to set 0-base or 1-based GPU indexes (the default is 1). With -gbase 1 (the default), the first GPU is GPU1, then GPU2, etc. With -gbase 0 the first GPU is GPU0, second - GPU1, etc. Note that this also changes the indexes that are used with all command line options that accept GPU indexes (e.g. -gpus) as well as these used with the interactive commands on the miner shell window
    • Validated support for the latest AMD Windows drivers 19.11.3 (but they already work with 4.7c because there were no significant changes in the OpenCL driver)
    • Other small improvements and fixes.

PhoenixMiner is fast (arguably the fastest) Ethash (ETH, ETC, Muiscoin, EXP, UBQ, etc.) miner that supports
both AMD and Nvidia cards (including in mixed mining rigs). It runs under Windows x64 and Linux x64
and has a developer fee of 0.65% (the lowest in the industry). This means that every 90
minutes the miner will mine for us, its developers, for 35 seconds.

PhoenixMiner also supports Ubqhash for mining UBQ, ProgPOW for mining BCI, and dual mining
Ethash/Ubqhash with Blake2s.

The speed is generally faster than Claymore's Ethereum miner in eth only mode
(we have measured about 0.4-1.3% speed improvement but your results may be slightly lower or
higher depending on the GPUs). To achieve highest possible speed on AMD cards it may be needed
to manually adjust the GPU tune factor (a number from 8 to about 400, which can be changed
interactively with the + and - keys while the miner is running).

If you have used Claymore's Dual Ethereum miner, you can switch to PhoenixMiner with
minimal hassle as we support most of Claymore's command-line options and confirguration

Please note that PhoenixMiner is extensively tested on many mining rigs but there still may be some bugs.
Additionally, we are actively working on bringing many new features in the future releases.
If you encounter any problems or have feature requests, please post them here (in this thread).
We will do our best to answer in timely fashion.

1. Quick start

You can download PhoenixMiner 5.0e from here:

https://mega.nz/folder/8LxxCJLA#2rekGgo3bgI6gWIZwffG-w (MEGA)

Examples of settings for different pools.

ethermine org (ETH):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool eu1 ethermine org:4444 -pool2 us1 ethermine org:4444 -wal YourEthWalletAddress.WorkerName -proto 3
ethermine org (ETH, secure connection):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool ssl: //eu1 ethermine org: 5555 -pool2 ssl: //us1 ethermine org: 5555 -wal YourEthWalletAddress.WorkerName -proto 3
ethpool org (ETH):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool eu1 ethpool org:3333 -pool2 us1 ethpool org:3333 -wal YourEthWalletAddress.WorkerName -proto 3
dwarfpool com (ETH):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool eth-eu dwarfpool com:8008 -wal YourEthWalletAddress / WorkerName -pass x
nanopool org (ETH):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool eu1 nanopool org:9999 -wal YourEthWalletAddress / WorkerName -pass x
nicehash (ethash):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool stratum + tcp: //daggerhashimoto eu nicehash com: 3353 -wal YourBtcWalletAddress -pass x -proto 4 -stales 0
f2pool (ETH):
PhoenixMiner.exe -epool eth f2pool com:8008 -ewal YourEthWalletAddress -pass x -worker WorkerName
miningpoolhub (ETH):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool us-east ethash-hub miningpoolhub com:20535 -wal YourLoginName.WorkerName -pass x -proto 1
coinotron com (ETH):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool coinotron com:3344 -wal YourLoginName.WorkerName -pass x -proto 1
ethermine org (ETC):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool eu1-etc ethermine org:4444 -wal YourEtcWalletAddress.WorkerName
dwarfpool com (EXP):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool exp-eu dwarfpool com:8018 -wal YourExpWalletAddress / WorkerName
miningpoolhub (MUSIC):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool europe ethash-hub miningpoolhub com:20585 -wal YourLoginName.WorkerName -pass x -proto 1
ubiqpool (UBIQ):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool stratum + tcp: //eu ubiqpool io: 8008 -wal YourUbiqWalletAddress -pass x -worker WorkerName
minerpool net (PIRL):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool pirl minerpool net:8002 -wal YourPirlWalletAddress -pass x -worker WorkerName
dodopool com (Metaverse ETP):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool etp dodopool com:8008 -wal YourMetaverseETPWalletAddress -worker Rig1 -pass
minerpool net (Ellaism):
PhoenixMiner.exe -pool ella minerpool net:8002 -wal YourEllaismWalletAddress -worker Rig1 -pass x

Pool options:

3. Command-line arguments

Note that PhoenixMiner supports most of the command-line options of Claymore's dual Ethereum miner
so you can use the same command line options as the ones you would have used with Claymore's miner.

-pool <host rt> Ethash pool address (prepend the host name with ssl:// for SSL pool, or http:// for solo mining)
-wal <wallet> Ethash wallet (some pools require appending of user name and/or worker)
-pass <password> Ethash password (most pools don't require it, use 'x' as password if unsure)
-worker <name> Ethash worker name (most pools accept it as part of wallet)
-proto <n> Selects the kind of stratum protocol for the ethash pool:
1: miner-proxy stratum spec (e.g. coinotron)
2: eth-proxy (e.g. dwarfpool, nanopool) - this is the default, works for most pools
3: qtminer (e.g. ethpool)
4: EthereumStratum/1.0.0 (e.g. nicehash)
5: EthereumStratum/2.0.0
-coin <coin> Ethash coin to use for devfee to avoid switching DAGs:

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