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PhoenixMiner 5.4c: fastest Ethereum/Ethash miner with lowest devfee (Win/Linux)

27 Şub 2020
PhoenixMiner 5.5c (release candidate) is ready. You can download PhoenixMiner 5.5c from here (both Windows and Linux versions):

Download: PhoenixMiner 5.4c:

If you want to check the integrity of the downloaded file, please use the following hashes (you need the last file PhoenixMiner_NVRTC_Windows.zip only if you want to mine BCI with Nvidia cards under Windows):

The changes in this release (since 5.5b) include the following:

  • Added support for the latest AMD Windows driver 21.1.1 (still, we don't recommend using the 21.1.1 driver yet - we had some instability issues with it even when just idling on the desktop!)
  • Added new -mcdag parameter to reset the memory overclock on Nvidia cards during DAG generation. This may allow you to set higher memory overclock on your Nvidia cards without risking corrupt DAG buffer, which can lead to excessive number of incorrect shares. Use -mcdag 1 (by default the value is 0, which means turned off) to use this new feature.
    Under Linux -mcdag 1 will execute a shell script named daggen.sh (if present in the current directory) for each Nvidia GPU, passing the GPU index as the first argument, and PCIE bus ID as second argument. The miner will then wait for about 7 seconds before starting DAG generation to allow the script enough time to reset the memory overclock.
  • The -tt parameter is now strictly for controlling the fan behavior. E.g. -tt 60 sets auto-fan speed with target temperature 60C; -tt -70 sets fixed fan speed 70%; and -tt 0 turns off the fan control. All these can be specified per GPU.
  • There is a new -hwm parameter that allows controlling the frequency of the hardware monitoring, which was also done by -tt in the previous versions of PhoenixMiner
  • Other small improvements and fixes

The changes of the previous beta (5.5b) since the last version (5.4c) are:

  • Added native kernels for AMD RX6800 and RX6900 GPUs. These are faster than the generic kernels and produce a lot less stale shares
  • Updated kernels for AMD Polaris, Vega and Navi GPUs that are slightly faster and use less power than before when mining ETH. To use these updated kernels, you need to use drivers 20.5.1 or later under Win10, or 20.10.x or later under Linux
  • The Nvidia mining cards (P106, P104, etc.) can now use straps and hardware control options (power limit, memory overclock, max temperature, etc.) under Windows
  • Added support for AMD Linux drivers 20.45-1164792 and 20.45-1188099. Use this drivers only if you have RX6800 or RX6900 GPU. WARNING: Vega and Navi GPUs won't work with these drivers!
  • Automatically set -ttli instead of -tmax when the later is not supported by the driver. This will throttle down the GPUs when they reach the specified temperature to avoid overheating

Please let us know if you have any problems or questions related to PhoenixMiner 5.4c

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