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TT-Miner 3.2.2: Win & Linux ProgPoW, MTP, EAGLESONG, EPIC, ETHASH, Blake2S

27 Şub 2020

TT-Miner Version 3.1.1 is available (Windows & Linux release)
Please note that the Linux release of TT-Miner requires Ubuntu 18.04 or later!

The miner required about 4-5 minutes until it shows a stable hashrate. To get independent information about miner speeds you should always compare hashrates @ the pool, shares @ the pool or just the profit you made.

The DevFee is 1% for all algos.

Download link - windows version: here

Download link - linux version: here

You might need latest c++ runtime for beta 6 if you see a missing VCRUNTIME140_1.dll

Version 3.2.2
- NEW: support for Kadena (Blake2S) Pool/Solo
mining to icemining.ca pool:
TT-Miner.exe -A BLAKE2S -coin kda -luck -log -logpool -P YOUR_WALLET.YOUR_WORKER@kda-us.icemining.ca:3700
mining to node:
TT-Miner.exe -A BLAKE2S -coin kda -luck -log -logpool -P https://YOUR_WALLET@NODE_SERVER:NODE_PORT
- NEW: support for SSL connection
- NEW: -cid / set a constant Kadena ChainID
cid accepts one or more ids. If you want to receive work only for chain IDs 5 and
8 you want to add this option to your command line: -cid 5,8
- NEW: -tbr / set the time between two requests for work. Default is set to 8 which equals 800ms
If you see disconnections to your node, you may ask too fast for new work. In this case
you can increase the time between two new-work-requests. On the other hand an increase pause will
make it more likely that you have an orphan block! So please take care to set this value.
-tbr 9 will set the time to 900ms

TT-Miner is now included in MMP OS and simplemining!

Supported algorithms:
- PROGPOW092 (Sero & EPIC)
- ETHASH (ETH, ETC, Music, Callisto, etc)
- MTP (Zcoin)
- LYRA2REV3 (Vertcoin)
- BLAKE2S (Kadena)

TT-Miner support mining Ethash on Nicehash.

In the current version the miner support cuda 9.2, 10.0, 10.1 and 10.2. If you want to make sure that TT-Miner uses a certain cuda version please append one of these values, if you do not append any of them, the miner will always use the algo for the latest cuda version:

-92 for cuda 9.20 (ETHASH-92, UBQHASH-92)
-100 for cuda 10.00 (ETHASH-100, PROGPOW-100)
-101 for cuda 10.10 (ETHASH-101, MTP-101)
-102 for cuda 10.20 (ETHASH-102, MTP-102)

Please note these requirements for the different cuda toolkit releases:
Cuda-Toolkit Linux Windows
CUDA 10.2.89 >= 440.33 >= 441.22
CUDA 10.1.105 >= 418.39 >= 418.96
CUDA 10.0.130 >= 410.48 >= 411.31
CUDA 9.2.148 >= 396.37 >= 398.26

Please make sure that you should not have -RH or -rate on your command line. Nicehash doesn't not like hashrate reporting and will disconnect if this notification is sent.

Please find below the available parameter and arguments, arguments in [] are not required:

-a, -A, -algo ALGONAME select the algorithm to use for mining
ETHASH Ethash (ETH, ETC, Music, Callisto, etc)
UBQHASH Ubiq version of Dagger-Hashimoto (UBIQ)
PROGPOW ProgPoW (BitcoinInterest)
PROGPOW092 ProgPoW-Rev.0.9.2 (Sero,EPIC)
MTP MTP (Zcoin algo)
LYRA2V3 Lyra2 Revision 3 (Vertcoin)
EAGLESONG EagleSong (CKB-Nervos)
BLAKE2S Blake2S (KDA-Kadena)

This parameter will always load the algo that fits best to the installed driver. If you want
to make sure that TT-Miner uses a certain cuda version please append one of these values:
-92 for cuda 9.20 (ETHASH-92, UBQHASH-92)
-100 for cuda 10.00 (ETHASH-100, PROGPOW-100)
-101 for cuda 10.10 (ETHASH-101, MTP-101)
-102 for cuda 10.20 (ETHASH-102, MTP-102)

-d, -device, -devices Comma or space separated list of devices that should be used mining. IDs starts with 0

-work-timeout NOT supported (ignored)
-coin NOT supported (ignored)
-i, -mi, -intensity Comma or space separated list of intensities that should be used mining. First value
for first GPU and so on. A single value sets the same intensity to all GPUs. A value
of -1 uses the default intensity of the miner. A sample may look like this:
-i 18,17,-1,18 sets intensity of 18 to the first and fourth GPU, 17 to the
second and the third keeps the default of the miner. The GPUs
are the GPUs you may have selected with the -d parameter. If you
have installed 6 GPUs and use -d 3 4, the parameter -i 19 18
will set the intensity of 19 to your system GPU 3 and 18 to GPU 4.

-i auto INT INT INT TT-Miner will iterarate throu some gridsizes to find the best for you system and algo combination.
-i auto 1024 8192 256 will go from 1024 to 8192 with a stepsize of 256. If the iteration finishes TT
will print the results to the screen.

-ig, -gs intensity grid/grid-size. Same as intensity (-i, -intensity) just defines the size for the grid directly.
This will give you more and finer control about the gridsize.

API options Monitor/Control:
-b, --api-bind IP[
ort] enables the monitoring API of TT-Miner to the IP address. If you
omit the port, port 4068 is used as default
--api-type Protocol TCP/WebSocket - parameter ignored
--api-password password assigns a password to the API

Parameter without argument
-RH, -rate Reports the current hashrate every 90 seconds to the pool
-n, -list, -ndevs List the detected CUDA devices and exit
-logpool Enable logging of the pool communication. TT-Miner creates the pool-logfile in the folder 'Logs'.
-log Enable logging of screen output and additional information, the file is created in the folder 'Logs'.
-luck Show a second information line that shows you how long it should take to find a new solution (share).
Additionally the time already spend on the new solutions is printed and also a 'luck' value
in percent that shows you the progress. Values below 100% indicate that there is still time
left until the next solution should be found. Values above 100% indicate that the miner needs
more time to find the new share than expected. These values are 'long term' statistical
-U, --nvidia Mining using CUDA devices (just for combability - can be omitted)
-X Mining with OpenCL (just for combability - NOT supported)
-G, --amd Mining using AMD devices (just for combability - NOT supported)
-h, --help Show this help and exit
-v, --version Show TT-Miner version and exit
-nocolor Disables color output

Pool definition - defines all values that are required for a connection to a mining pool.
-P [scheme://]user/wallet[.workername/username][

The minimal definition to connect to a pool is:

With all options it look like this

'stratum+tcp://' is not required because TT-Miner will automatically detect the
correct stratum protocol in use.
The first -P will define your primary pool, all following -P definition will work as
backup/failover pool.

-w, worker YOUR_WORKER

Same set for the alternate coin if you mine EPIC


-PP INT Process-Priority
This option set the process priority for TT-Miner to a different level:
1 low
2 below normal
3 normal
4 above normal
5 high
Default: -PP 3

-PRHRI INT Performance-Report Hash-Rate Interval
Performance-Report & information after INT multiple of one minute. Minimum value for INT to
1 which creates a hashrate interval of a minute. Higher Intervals gives you a more stable
hashrate. If the interval is too high the displayed average of your hashrate will change
very slowly. The default of 2 will give you an average of 2 minutes.
Default: -PRHRI 2

-PRT INT Performance-Report & information after INT multiple of 5 seconds
Set INT to 0 to disable output after a fixed timeframe
sample -RPT 24 shows the performance report after 24 * 5 sec = 2 minutes
Default: -PRT 3

-PRS INT Performance-Report & information after a INT shares found
Set INT to 0 to disable output after a fixed number of shares
sample -RPS 10 shows the performance report after 10 shares were found
Default: -PRS 0

Mixed sample:
- You want to see the performance report all 25 shares and all 30 secs:
-PRS 25 -PRT 6
- You do not want to see any performance report:
-PRT 0

-coin defines the coin you want to mine. That helps for connection to some pools (SERO) and can
avoid unnecessary DAG creation for the DevFee

Happy mining!

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