Zealot/Enemy (z-enemy) NVIDIA GPU miner.
x16rv2, x16r, x16s, Bitcore, Phi1612, Xevan ,Tribus , x17, c11, AeriumX, XDNA(hex), phi, phi2, skunk etc ..
Z-ENEMY 2.4 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy) NEW
- Fixed high CPU load with latest nVidia drivers, you can expect higher hashrate on the mining rigs with lower end CPUs
- Fixed nvml.dll load error with latest nVidia drivers
Cuda 10.1; Cuda 9.1; Cuda 10.0; Cuda 9.2;
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Z-ENEMY 2.3 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)
- Performance improvement: +2-3% x16rv2 algo
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Z-ENEMY 2.2 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)
- Added x16rv2 algo (Upcoming Ravencoin hardfork 1st Oct.)
- Added support for secure stratum+ssl connections. New --no-cert-verify key.
(Disable certificate errors check for ssl connections)
- Fixed GPU data error in json api (/hwinfo)
- Fixed phi2 bug on Cuda 10.1
IMPORTANT: Ravencoin is switching to the new x16rv2 algorithm on October 1st. There will be a new version of our miner z-enemy-2.2 with x16rv2 released in advance before the hard fork date .
Z-ENEMY 2.1 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)
This version includes a new way to manage and monitor the miner.
- Performance improvements: +4-5% most algos (x16r, x16s, x17, hex, bitcore, bcd...)
- Stability improvements
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Z-ENEMY 2.00 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)
This version includes a new way to manage and monitor the miner.
New features:
- Added new HTTP JSON API (see json_api_help.txt for the details), available at port 4067 by default
- Added web control panel with real-time monitoring and charts.
The UI is responsive and should be looking well on most mobile phones and tablets.
Other changes:
- The miner informs about API servers (both Telnet and HTTP) being started
- You can now disable both servers with --api-bind=0 and --api-bind-http=0 respectively
- Minor bugfixes and stability improvements
- For HTTP server --api-allow command line option isn't having any effect (for now?)
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Z-ENEMY 1.28 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)
Performance improvements of 1.28 compared to previous version (1.27):
- Bitcoin Diamond +7-8%, Hex 4-5% and +3-5% for x16r/s, x17, bitcore, c11, sonoa, etc...
Other changes:
- Added --no-nvml switch to disable NVML monitoring (useful to reduce load on low end CPUs)
- After several tests we recommend using intensity 22 on 1080ti cards on x16r algo (and perhaps others)
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Z-ENEMY 1.27 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)
Performance improvements:
Up to +3-4% for x16r/s and hex, +6-8% Bitcoin Diamond, 1-3% on others (x17, bitcore, c11, sonoa, etc...) on GTX 10x0 cards
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Z-ENEMY 1.26 ver.1 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)
Performance improvements:
- Up to +5-7% x16r/s, +7% bitcore, few percent on others (x17, c11, aergo ...) on GTX 10x0 cards.
- Hex algo +10% for GTX 10x0 cards and +2% for RTX 20x0 cards.
Other changes:
- Removed renesis algo
- Improved stability
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Z-ENEMY 1.25 ver.1 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)
Performance improvements in x16, x17, c11, bitcore, BCD, aergo, sonoa and hex:
- +10% or more for RTX 2080/2080ti/2070 cards
- +3-7% for GTX 1080Ti/1080/1070ti and lower cards
- Reduced CPU usage.
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Z-ENEMY 1.24 ver.3 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)
- Major optimizations for skunk, polytimos and phi
- Minor optimizations for hex and x16r/s, tribus.
- Massive performance boost for RTX 2080/2080ti/2070 in many algorithms.
- Highlighted hardware stats reporting, colored GPU temperatures (green/yellow/red)
- Added Volta architecture support
- Important update(1.24 ver.2): Fixed multi-gpu crash bug (skunk and polytimos)
- Important update(1.24 ver.3): Fixed reduced poolside hashrate ( XDNA : hex algo)
Z-ENEMY VER 1.23 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)
- First wave of performance optimizations for RTX 2080 and 2080Ti series up to 10-20% in various algos
- Minor performance optimizations for older cards (10x0)
- Fixed tribus out of memory bug (now it's possible to run it with higher intensities)
- Removed --tlimit and --plimit options
- Added --max-temp --resume-temp options
Z-ENEMY VER 1.22 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)
- Experimental CUDA 10 support: Higher speeds and stability, support for new RTX2080 & 2080 Ti cards
- Performance improvements: 2-5% for most algos (Hex, X16, X17, Bitcore, C11, etc..)
Cuda 10 version 32 & 64 performs faster in most algos ... Update you Nvidia drivers - minimum (ver. 415+)
Important. This is the first basic build for Cuda 10, please leave feedback in our channel #z-enemy-122test
From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)
- Performance and stability improvements, few bugs fixed.
- Added uptime reporting.
Same as with previous release, 32 bit version performs faster in some algos ...
Z-ENEMY VER 1.20 (PUBLIC) From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)
- Major performance improvements: 5-10% in various algos
- Bitcoin Diamond: Support for the new famous top algorithm at high speed, 20-30% higher than the current ones.
Same as with previous release, 32 bit version performs faster in some algos (x16/x17 etc) ...
Z-ENEMY VER 1.19 (PUBLIC) From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)
- Major performance improvements: 5-7% in various algos (x16 ,x17 , bitcore, c11 , hex , etc ..)
- Stability improvements
32-bit version seems to be faster in some algos again, feel free to test it !
Z-ENEMY VER 1.18 (PUBLIC) From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)
Greetings! We're releasing an updated version of our mining software with some bugfixes and other changes:
- Major performance improvements: 10-15% for Xevan (+ fixed reduced hashrate issue from 1.17)
- Minor performance improvements for other algos
- Stability improvements for XDNA
Z-ENEMY VER 1.17 (PUBLIC) From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)
Greetings, fellow miners! We're releasing an updated version of our mining software with some speed inside:
- Major performance improvements: 5-10% for X16R & X16S, XDNA (hex), x17, Bitcore(BTX), c11, Sonoa, Renesis, Aergo
- Lower end cards like 1050/1060 will see additional few % (yes, a bonus)
- The miner no longer depends on memory, it allows to run memory clock at +0 or -500 MHz without performance loss.
Happy mining!
zealot/enemy-1.16 (z-enemy) From: Dk & Enemy
- Performance improvements:+7-10% hex(XDNA),+5%-7% x16r&s, few % for other algos (x17, c11, sonoa, renesis, aergo)
- Experimental feature: intensity limit increased (most algos now allow intensity up to 25, test at your own risk)
For Windows:
zealot/enemy-1.14 (z-enemy) From: Dk & Enemy
- Major performance improvements:
(+10% x16), (+15-25% Tribus), (+10% x17, C11, PHI1612, Aergo, Sonoa), (+5%Xevan, Phi, Poly)
- Command line options: --api-remote is now working as intended ("quit" and "switchpool" didn't work before)
- Stratum protocol: client.reconnect is now working as intended (for miningrigrentals users)
For Windows Cuda 9.2 :
zealot/enemy-1.12a (z-enemy) From: Dk & Enemy
- Improved phi2 performance: +4-5% (up to 5 Mh/s for 1070ti, up to 7.5 Mh/s for 1080ti)
- Minor performance improvements for other algos
x16rv2, x16r, x16s, Bitcore, Phi1612, Xevan ,Tribus , x17, c11, AeriumX, XDNA(hex), phi, phi2, skunk etc ..
Z-ENEMY 2.4 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy) NEW
- Fixed high CPU load with latest nVidia drivers, you can expect higher hashrate on the mining rigs with lower end CPUs
- Fixed nvml.dll load error with latest nVidia drivers
Cuda 10.1; Cuda 9.1; Cuda 10.0; Cuda 9.2;
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Z-ENEMY 2.3 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)
- Performance improvement: +2-3% x16rv2 algo
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Z-ENEMY 2.2 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)
- Added x16rv2 algo (Upcoming Ravencoin hardfork 1st Oct.)
- Added support for secure stratum+ssl connections. New --no-cert-verify key.
(Disable certificate errors check for ssl connections)
- Fixed GPU data error in json api (/hwinfo)
- Fixed phi2 bug on Cuda 10.1
IMPORTANT: Ravencoin is switching to the new x16rv2 algorithm on October 1st. There will be a new version of our miner z-enemy-2.2 with x16rv2 released in advance before the hard fork date .
Z-ENEMY 2.1 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)
This version includes a new way to manage and monitor the miner.
- Performance improvements: +4-5% most algos (x16r, x16s, x17, hex, bitcore, bcd...)
- Stability improvements
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Z-ENEMY 2.00 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)
This version includes a new way to manage and monitor the miner.

New features:
- Added new HTTP JSON API (see json_api_help.txt for the details), available at port 4067 by default
- Added web control panel with real-time monitoring and charts.
The UI is responsive and should be looking well on most mobile phones and tablets.
Other changes:
- The miner informs about API servers (both Telnet and HTTP) being started
- You can now disable both servers with --api-bind=0 and --api-bind-http=0 respectively
- Minor bugfixes and stability improvements
- For HTTP server --api-allow command line option isn't having any effect (for now?)
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Z-ENEMY 1.28 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)
Performance improvements of 1.28 compared to previous version (1.27):
- Bitcoin Diamond +7-8%, Hex 4-5% and +3-5% for x16r/s, x17, bitcore, c11, sonoa, etc...
Other changes:
- Added --no-nvml switch to disable NVML monitoring (useful to reduce load on low end CPUs)
- After several tests we recommend using intensity 22 on 1080ti cards on x16r algo (and perhaps others)
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Z-ENEMY 1.27 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)
Performance improvements:
Up to +3-4% for x16r/s and hex, +6-8% Bitcoin Diamond, 1-3% on others (x17, bitcore, c11, sonoa, etc...) on GTX 10x0 cards
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Z-ENEMY 1.26 ver.1 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)
Performance improvements:
- Up to +5-7% x16r/s, +7% bitcore, few percent on others (x17, c11, aergo ...) on GTX 10x0 cards.
- Hex algo +10% for GTX 10x0 cards and +2% for RTX 20x0 cards.
Other changes:
- Removed renesis algo
- Improved stability
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Z-ENEMY 1.25 ver.1 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)
Performance improvements in x16, x17, c11, bitcore, BCD, aergo, sonoa and hex:
- +10% or more for RTX 2080/2080ti/2070 cards
- +3-7% for GTX 1080Ti/1080/1070ti and lower cards
- Reduced CPU usage.
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Z-ENEMY 1.24 ver.3 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)
- Major optimizations for skunk, polytimos and phi
- Minor optimizations for hex and x16r/s, tribus.
- Massive performance boost for RTX 2080/2080ti/2070 in many algorithms.
- Highlighted hardware stats reporting, colored GPU temperatures (green/yellow/red)
- Added Volta architecture support
- Important update(1.24 ver.2): Fixed multi-gpu crash bug (skunk and polytimos)
- Important update(1.24 ver.3): Fixed reduced poolside hashrate ( XDNA : hex algo)
Z-ENEMY VER 1.23 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)
- First wave of performance optimizations for RTX 2080 and 2080Ti series up to 10-20% in various algos

- Minor performance optimizations for older cards (10x0)
- Fixed tribus out of memory bug (now it's possible to run it with higher intensities)
- Removed --tlimit and --plimit options
- Added --max-temp --resume-temp options
Z-ENEMY VER 1.22 From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)
- Experimental CUDA 10 support: Higher speeds and stability, support for new RTX2080 & 2080 Ti cards
- Performance improvements: 2-5% for most algos (Hex, X16, X17, Bitcore, C11, etc..)
Cuda 10 version 32 & 64 performs faster in most algos ... Update you Nvidia drivers - minimum (ver. 415+)
Important. This is the first basic build for Cuda 10, please leave feedback in our channel #z-enemy-122test
From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)
- Performance and stability improvements, few bugs fixed.
- Added uptime reporting.
Same as with previous release, 32 bit version performs faster in some algos ...
Z-ENEMY VER 1.20 (PUBLIC) From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)
- Major performance improvements: 5-10% in various algos
- Bitcoin Diamond: Support for the new famous top algorithm at high speed, 20-30% higher than the current ones.
Same as with previous release, 32 bit version performs faster in some algos (x16/x17 etc) ...

Z-ENEMY VER 1.19 (PUBLIC) From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)
- Major performance improvements: 5-7% in various algos (x16 ,x17 , bitcore, c11 , hex , etc ..)
- Stability improvements
32-bit version seems to be faster in some algos again, feel free to test it !
Z-ENEMY VER 1.18 (PUBLIC) From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)
Greetings! We're releasing an updated version of our mining software with some bugfixes and other changes:
- Major performance improvements: 10-15% for Xevan (+ fixed reduced hashrate issue from 1.17)
- Minor performance improvements for other algos
- Stability improvements for XDNA
Z-ENEMY VER 1.17 (PUBLIC) From: Dk & Enemy (z-enemy)
Greetings, fellow miners! We're releasing an updated version of our mining software with some speed inside:
- Major performance improvements: 5-10% for X16R & X16S, XDNA (hex), x17, Bitcore(BTX), c11, Sonoa, Renesis, Aergo
- Lower end cards like 1050/1060 will see additional few % (yes, a bonus)
- The miner no longer depends on memory, it allows to run memory clock at +0 or -500 MHz without performance loss.
Happy mining!
zealot/enemy-1.16 (z-enemy) From: Dk & Enemy
- Performance improvements:+7-10% hex(XDNA),+5%-7% x16r&s, few % for other algos (x17, c11, sonoa, renesis, aergo)
- Experimental feature: intensity limit increased (most algos now allow intensity up to 25, test at your own risk)
For Windows:
zealot/enemy-1.14 (z-enemy) From: Dk & Enemy
- Major performance improvements:
(+10% x16), (+15-25% Tribus), (+10% x17, C11, PHI1612, Aergo, Sonoa), (+5%Xevan, Phi, Poly)
- Command line options: --api-remote is now working as intended ("quit" and "switchpool" didn't work before)
- Stratum protocol: client.reconnect is now working as intended (for miningrigrentals users)
For Windows Cuda 9.2 :
zealot/enemy-1.12a (z-enemy) From: Dk & Enemy
- Improved phi2 performance: +4-5% (up to 5 Mh/s for 1070ti, up to 7.5 Mh/s for 1080ti)
- Minor performance improvements for other algos